Sweet Dreams

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He was afraid of what was gonna happen next. He needed a ray of light to save him from the darkness, but that's asking for too much.

Adrien was in tears. He couldn't stop the flow trailing down his cheeks. He screamed in pain. He screamed as loud as he could. No one would be able to hear him. No matter how much he cried.

Nobody really understood him. He was prying for some freedom. He needed sunlight. He needed a savior, but all he saw was black. Pitch black. The worst of it all was that....

He was alone.

Adrien bolted up in cold sweat.

He had that dream again.

They've been occurring more often now. He wondered why....

Adrien looked at the clock, it was 3:00 a.m.

He grabbed his coat and snuck out to go for a walk.

He would go as chat, but he needed to feel the fresh air as Adrien every so often.


He sat down on the park swing. The wind blew against his hair. He was gonna leave when he heard a small voice.

"Adrien?" Marinette softly stated.

"Oh hi Marinette, what are you doing out here it's pretty late." He asked.

"Look who's talking." She said teasingly.

He realized that she could ask him the same question. He mentally punched himself.

"I just came out for a walk." He said.

"Oh actually I was also taking a walk..." She lied. She was actually on night patrol, but she couldn't tell him that.

The cold air blew again against both of them.

Marinette took a seat on the swing next to him.

"What a coincidence.." He said awkwardly.

"So to break the ice what made you take a walk, if it's ok for me to ask." She said trying to make conversation.

"Well, it's gonna make me sound like a wimp, but I had a really bad dream." He sighed.

"It's been going on for a while now and I just needed a breather." He grinned.

"Pretty pathetic isn't it." He asked.

"It's not pathetic at all. Not in my opinion. I usually have bad dreams too, and going out for some fresh air really helps, so I can't blame ya." She reassured him.

He smiled. Then another cold gust of wind blew. He realized Marinette was wearing a t-shirt.

"Hey, it's freezing take my coat." Adrien said worriedly.

"No no!? It's ok I'm not that cold." She said politely.

"But Mari it's really cold." He protested.

Mari? She thought. Marinette got a bit red because she was flustered at the nickname.

"S-seriously I'm fine." She mumbled.

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