Still jealous? (Part 2)

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Marinette was sitting on her desk sketching some designs. It's been three days since her birthday and she got a lot of nice gifts. Speaking of gifts she looked over at her flowers.

"Oh no they're beginning to wilt." Marinette frowned.

She then heard a slight knock on her door.

"Oh hey Nathanael." Marinette grinned.

"H-hi Marinette."

"Is something wrong?" She asked worriedly.




I can't wait to see my princess! A stray cat said as he jumped from roof to roof.

He proceeded to jump on her window and enter when he saw Nathanael?

What is he doing here? He wasn't sure of what Nathanael was saying but, whatever it was he didn't like it.


"I know you don't feel the same but,....." He mumbled the last part.

"What was that last part I couldn't hear clearly sorry." She said leaning in. Chat gritted his teeth. Chanting.....

Remain calm. Don't kill him. Don't kill him. Don't kill him. Don't kill him.

"I love you Marinette!" He yelled. Chat heard that loud and clear.

She frowned.

"I'm sorry Nathanael I don't feel the same...." She said.

"I know..." He said as he kissed her cheek. Chat was preparing to rip Nathanael apart.

"Sorry I was just returning the favor...bye Marinette." He said as he quickly left.

Chat froze.

Return the favor? Oh he's dead.

Chat just unlocked her window and snuck up behind Marinette.

"Princess.." Chat said.

"C-chat when did you arrive."

"Early enough to see what was going on." He pouted.

"So you heard."

"What do you think. By the way what did he mean by returning the favor?" He asked slyly.

"Well when Nathanael gave me the flowers I kissed him on the cheek as a thank you." She sighed.

He grabbed Marinette by the waist.

"Je t'aime." He whispered.

"Don't you ever forget that." He said sternly.

"Je t'aime aussi you big dork." She smiled.

"I'm getting a restraining order on Nathanael." Chat said.

"Why you?"

"Cause I'm always by your side and I don't want him around." He smirked.

"Jeez." She said wrapping her arms around his neck.

"What is it princess~"

"Your amount of  jealousy really impresses me sometimes." She smirked.

"I'm not jealous!" He pouted.

"Oh really then I should be able to catch up to Nathanael and-" she said pulling away from the hug and heading out towards the door.

"No way in hell." He death glared while grabbing her arm.

She started having a giggle fit.

Congratulations Adrien you just played yourself. He thought as he was very flustered.

"Whatever." He said pulling her into a kiss.

"Mhm!" Stupid cat caught her off guard.

They once again melted into a warm kiss. Marinette liked it when he got jealous it was cute and it showed her he cared. She would never tell him that. Although he could go a little overboard.

Oh's not like this'll be the hardest part of their future.

Telling him her identity. Now that was gonna be a challenge.

I hope you guys enjoyed part 2. No there won't be a part three. I'm sorry :,( Next part will be ladynoir since its been a while. So make sure to stay tuned bye <3

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