You'll always be by my side

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It was Adrien's day off. He tried being excited about it but, he knew it'd be a boring day. He decided to go around for a walk. He didn't take his umbrella because the weather forecast said it wasn't going to rain.

Too late now.


Marinette got dressed in some nice white shorts, a dark read knitted sweater, and some black flats with knee high socks. Cat socks to be exact.

She had to go out to buy some more fabric and sewing needles. Since her last one was old by now. She tried her best to hide the small cuts and scratches on her hand. Which she got  while sewing.

Okay I need some red,green, and olive green fabric.

"Come on Tikki!" Marinette said excitingly.

"Alright!" Tikki squeaked.


Adrien had no idea where he was. He was just breathing heavily. A group of fangirls began chasing him down. In an attempt to lose them he entered what seemed to look like a fabric store.

"A-Adrien." He heard a small voice say.

Another fangirl please god no.

He turned around and instantly blushed. What he saw was Marinette in the cutest outfit ever. Not to mention her hair was loose which definitely suits her.

Since when has she been so pretty.

He just kept staring at her while hardcore blushing. Until she pulled him out the trance.

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly. Ever since her uncle came to Paris they've become pretty good friends.((reference to episode 14))

"YOU LOOK VERY NICE TODAY!?" He yelled out. He was a fumbling mess.

She blushed and squeaked out a small thank you.

"Well anyways what are you doing here?" She asked.

"A pack of wolves/fangirls started chasing after me." He said jokingly.

Marinette giggled.
"You poor thing." She said sarcastically as she made her way to the second floor of the shop.

"Hey they're crazy..but luckily I took care of it!" He said making sure to follow her.

"Oh ok so, are you just gonna continue following me or." She said grinning to herself.

"Well I thought you'd might like some company." He smirked.

"Fine you can tag along for now." She stated.

He was secretly happy to get to spend time with Marinette.


She spent very little time looking for what she needed. She found the green and olive green very quickly and went to get the pieces.

Adrien swore he saw something on her hands but shook it off.

Marinette went to pick out another piece of fabric. Specifically a light red.
((Another one XP))

Adrien once again saw a bandaid on her hand. This time he didn't ignore it.

Once they left the store Marinette offered if he'd like to eat something at the bakery.

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