Ladrien (With a sprinke of adrinette)

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On that day Marinette had been worried about Adrien since he didn't come to school. She decided to go check up on him. There was a tiny problem though. She'd have to visit as ladybug.

"Tikki hurry up I need to check on Adrien!" Marinette rushed over to Tikki.

"Why can't you just go as Marinette." Tikki asked just a bit annoyed.

"B-because Adrien is a huge fan of ladybug. So I figured he might feel better if she visited him." Marinette replied shyly.

Tikki nodded her head. Marinette quickly transformed and headed over.


"Ugh I feel awful" Adrien said while blowing his nose.

"You humans get sick for one day and it's like the end of the world." Plagg replied paying more attention to his cheese than his boy.

"Whatever" Adrien replied while putting his covers over his head.

Why wasn't Nino answering. Oh yea he said he'd be busy today. Great I guess I'll just lay here like a loner.

There's no way he'd be able to confront ladybug in this state. He felt awful and knowing that he wouldn't be able to help ladybug made him feel even worse.

Speaking of which he heard a small knock. On his window? He looked over to see.....

"LADYBUG!" Adrien said in full shock. Why was she here. Omg I look like a mess. Ok Adrien you got this just breathe.

He realized he hadn't opened the window and quickly went to unlock it.

"S-sorry about that I kinda spaced out" Adrien said. Oh god she probably thinks I'm a weirdo.

"It's alright no need to apologize" she said with her angelic smile.

"W-what brings you here.." He said. Adrien really wanted to know why she came here.

"Well I thought I'd pay you a visit since your sick" ladybug said with a cute grin.

Wow she's so cool. Wait...

"How'd you know I was sick?" Adrien asked curiously.



Ladybug didn't wanna get caught so she made up an excuse. Not to mention she had a little fun in the process.

"Well a friend of mine her name is Marinette, she's in your class right" ladybug asked trying her best not to laugh.

Adrien nodded yet, he looked very confused.

"She had told me you were sick. She also said that you were a fan. And came up with the idea of me coming here to cheer you up a bit" ladybug said. She gave a small wink. Man this was to fun.

"O-oh that's very nice of her. Well um thanks for coming." Adrien said. Wow Marinette's really considerate I'll have to repay her later he thought.

Ladybug slowly went touch Adrien's forehead. Her gentle touch caused him to look like the color of her suit.

"You have a fever! You need to take some medicine! Or else you'll get worse" ladybug said in a sort of panic mode.

He couldn't believe it. She cared for him even without his mask on. Not that she knew he was chat noir or anything but, it was very reassuring. He smiled as he watched her panic at his health.

"I'm fine really, don't worry" Adrien said as he gave her his signature smile.

Obviously being Marinette she blushed and her face turned into a bright red.

Adrien noticed this and placed his forehead on hers.

A fever!? Adrien thought. Oh no I must've passed it on to her!?

Ladybug was furiously blushing. Which worried Adrien a little more.

"I'm fine" she reassured.
"Just a little tired that's all " she smiled. She didn't want him to worry about her so much. He was the one who was sick after all.

"You don't need to worry about me. "Your health and safe being is much more important" she reminded him.

He instantly pulled her into a warm hug. She hugged back. He never had felt so happy.

"Thank you, for caring about me and all" Adrien said with a very genuine smile.

"Your wel-"

Ladybug was interrupted by a small beep.

"Well looks like I have to go" ladybug said with a sad expression. She didn't wanna leave Adrien alone but, she also didn't want him to find out her identity.

"Yea.....uh bye" Adrien had replied in a very upset tone.

"Jeez now your making me feel bad" ladybug said. Just as she was about to leave she placed a kiss on his cheek.


She was very warm, he thought. Adrien was boiling and it wasn't because he had a fever.

"I'll see you soon so get better okay for everyone's sake" ladybug said before another beep had sent her off.

"Man I feel better already" Adrien had said with a huge grin on his face.



The next day Adrien had felt better and went to school. Planning to thank a certain classmate.

"Hey Alya is Marinette here today" Adrien asked the blue eyed girls best friend.

"Oh hey Adrien nice to see your feeling better" Alya had said with a small smile.

"Oh and Marinette isn't here today. She caught a really bad fever. So she wasn't able to come" Alya replied.

"Oh ok thanks" Adrien said leaving Alya in confusion as he sat down.

She caught a fever too huh. I'll visit her after school to say thank you. Maybe I'll get her some soup on the way. Adrien thought to himself. His thoughts were interrupted by the the bell. He quickly turned to the board to start his day.


Sorry for mixing in some Adrinette I couldn't help it
(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Well anyways I hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading, and stay tuned bye <3

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