You okay?

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Marinette was bored to death. She had nothing to do. Her parents were out of town, it was currently spring break, and the only thing she could do was wait for an akuma attack.


Adrien on the other hand was having a "lot" of fun. He was just playing video games and kept losing on the same level. He had nothing scheduled for his spring break. The thought of it excited him, but he longed for something to do.

To heck with it I'll just clean up a bit. Adrien thought looking at his messy room.

~48 minutes later~

"Wow that took longer than expected." He said looking at his now very clean room.

His opened his curtains and was almost blinded by how bright it was outside.

Until in the corner of his eye Adrien noticed something sparkle.

He walked over to his desk and fully opening the drawer to see..

Oh crap! I forgot to give Marinette her bracelet back! Adrien thought wide eyed.

He took a few seconds to breathe then booked it to Marinette's house.


Marinette was currently working in the bakery since she had nothing else to do.

"Thank you Marinette you really are a dear!" Said the lady who came to the bakery.

"Your welcome Miss." She said waving as the customer left.

Ok that was the last one. The rest of the day should be easy. She thought as she sat down to read her book.

Marinette looked up because she thought she heard some footsteps.

They were making their way here and fast.

Suddenly a wild Adrien bursted through the door!

Shocking Marinette, but she held in her laughter as he face planted into the floor.


Adrien has never ran this fast in his entire life.

He's had the bracelet for a week! How did none of them notice.

Oh well, anyways Adrien was closing in on the bakery breathing heavily and burst through the door.

He could see a confused and shocked Marinette before face planting into the floor. She ran over to him.

He looked up to see Marinette reaching out a hand.

He took it and very lazily got up. He brushed himself off and smiled awkwardly.

"Are you okay?" She said while fixing his hair.

He blushed a light pink.

"Do I look okay?" He said sarcastically.

"Well anyways why did you run all the way over here." She said while walking into the kitchen.

"Um well there's something..." He didn't really plan out how he'd give her the bracelet.

Marinette then walked out with a bottle of water and a small tray of cookies.

"How are you able to read my mind." He said taking the water bottle.

"It runs in the family." She joked.

He chuckled.

"Well anyways I was cleaning my room and I found this." He said pulling her bracelet out of his pocket.

"Oh, my bracelet thanks." She smiled.

"Wait you're not mad?" He questioned.

"Why would I be mad." She tilted her head.

"Cause you said this was your lucky bracelet and that it helped you!" He yelled.

She burst into laughter. He was so confused.

"Adrien I was lying..haha...I just said that so you wouldn't beat yourself up." She smiled.

He once again blushed a light pink.

"Thank you." He said genuinely.

"You're welcome." She said standing up and putting the bracelet on him.

He blushed even darker.

"W-why are you putting it on me, it's your bracelet." He asked.

"Well it's your bracelet now. Since you actually seemed to stop looking down on yourself while you had it, I want you to keep that up." She grinned gingerly.

He stood up and hugged her.

He hugged her tightly. She cared about him so much.

"Thank you." He said.

"You are very welcome." She smiled while rubbing his back.

He pulled away from the hug and kissed her.

She was caught of guard, but soon enough melted into the kiss.

It was really passionate.
They both pulled away for air.
He was pink and she was red.

"Hey Marinette can I tell you a secret." He whispered.

"What is it?" She asked.

"I really like this girl, and I think she actually likes me back." He smiled jokingly.

"What a coincidence I like this guy, and he might like me back." She smiled.

"I love you~" He smirked.

"I love you too~Even if you're a huge dork." She grinned.

"I'm not a dork!" He pouted.

"If you're not a dork then I'm a magical fairy." She teased.

"Ha ha.." He said sarcastically.

They both burst into laughter before melting into another kiss.

Once they pulled apart he rested his forehead against hers.

They both smiled at each other.

Good job Marinette! Tikki thought as she watched from the kitchen.

God I'm about to throw up. Plagg thought while watching from Adriens bag.

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed all this fluff. You all should go check out my other story "people change" but I must warn you. Its very sad so far. Well anyways love you all stay tuned bye <3

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