Adrinette Melodies and Identities

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Marinette had woken up extra early to go to school. She didn't plan to get there an hour before school started but, like they say the early bird gets the worm.


What should I do I got here way to early!!! Marinette thought to herself.

I know I'll ask the security guard if I can go to the music room to start working on my project! Marinette thought while running towards the school.

The music students had been assigned to write or, compose a song to play for the class. Marinette had decided to compose a song for the piano. Which she secretly knew how to play. Even Alya didn't know she played piano.

Marinette had been allowed and ran up to the room.

She'd composed a beautiful song which went at a medium pace.


Adrien had woken up thinking he was late and rushed to school. Running inside ignoring the security guard and going to class.

"Oh wait..." Adrien said with a bored expression.

"IM EARLY" he shouted knowing it was to early for anyone to be at the school. Well any students that is.

"I guess there's no point in going back home" he said as he wandered around the school. As he walked across the music room he heard an amazing song being played on the piano.

The teacher is playing piano, I'm so jealous. Adrien thought since he didn't really know how to play any instruments. He models and saves Paris so there's never enough time for him to really do anything.

Wait is that Marinette? Why is she here and why is she playing the piano. Adrien thought while quietly peeking into the room. He entered and slowly sat down trying not to disturb her. He watched her fingers gently move and thought, Wow she's really good.

Luckily she hadn't noticed him enter.


Marinette had thought she heard someone enter but, ignored it.

She was closing in on the end as her fingers paced around the keys. The song finished and she stretched her arms wide.

"That was beautiful" she heard a gentle voice say, it sounded like a guy.

"Um t-thanks....A-drien?!" she said looking back in shock. When did he enter the room!!!!

"I never knew you played" he said with a slight blush?

"I've never really told anyone" she said surprisingly smoothly. Woah did I just do that?

Woah did she just do that. Adrien thought happily as he finally made some progress with Marinette.

"I'm so jealous" he said with a fake smile.

"What? I thought you knew how to play?" she mumbled.

"Huh" he said.

"N-n-nothing" she said in a panic.

"Well I'm very busy so I've never had the time to learn but, could you teach me.....since you play so beautiful and look so beautiful while playing and all....." He mumbled that last part in a panic.

"What?" She asked in confusion.

"ID LIKE YOU TO TEACH ME PIANO" he yelled out leaving out the last part.
His face was boiling red.

She looked at him wide eyed.

Oh no!? Was that to forward she probably thinks I'm a weirdo! Adrien thought with total panic.

"Are y-you s-sure you want t-the clown of t-the school to t-teach you....." She looked down. Please don't let this be a sick joke, but it probably is...

Now it was his turn too look at her wide eyed. Did she think that low of herself? No way.. Right? Adrien had been depressed thinking that his friend was so low on self-esteem.

"What do you mean class clown? Your amazing!! You can bake, play piano, design, and so many other things. You should be confident" Adrien said trying to raise her spirits.

"Plus I really want to learn piano.." He gave her a genuine smile.

He was shocked by the sudden impact. Marinette had rushed up to hug him. She didn't care if she was the color of a tomato. Her crush had just called her amazing.

Adrien smiled knowing he cheered her up. He hugged her back tightly being quite red himself. Did Chloe get to her that bad? Now he felt really bad for Marinette. She was constantly being bullied by Chloe.

But now Marinette said something that shocked him even more.


"We have about more than forty minutes left. So, how about we start on the basics" she told him without a single stutter.

"Okay!" He said with beaming eyes.

After 30 minutes of basics and various lectures Adrien knew that learning piano wasn't gonna be as easy as he thought.

"Well I gotta go the bells almost gonna ring" Marinette said grabbing her bag.

Adrien quickly grabbed her arm.

"Adrien w-what are you doing" she said frozen in place.

"Ummmm" Adrien said confused.

To heck with it. Adrien thought as he kisses Marinette on the cheek.

"W-what......." She looked so flustered. It was actually pretty cute.

"Take it as a thanks for the lessons." He said giving her a smirk she swore she'd seen before.

"Well bye Marinette see you later!" He said exiting the classroom. He was about to bump into a table when his cat like reflexes helped him dodge. Marinette most definitely took notice of this.

He left the room leaving a shocked and confused Marinette standing in wonder.

No way......Chat.......and Adrien.......
She slapped herself at the thought but, there really was a possibility and it was very likely...


Oooooohhhh this is pretty spicy. Should I do a part 2 on this? I wanna write one where they find out each other's identities so this might be it!! Well anyways thank you guys for the amazing support love you all stay tuned bye <3

(P.S. sorry if this was a bit slow and boring I haven't written in a while 😅)

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