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Marinette was trying to calm herself. Adrien was coming over to work with her on a project since they were assigned to be partners.

She managed to take down all the pictures of Adrien she had hanging up on the walls.

At that moment she heard a knock.

"Hi Adrien!" She exclaimed. She's gotten used to talking to Adrien so she doesn't really stutter anymore.

"Hey Marinette! Should we start on our project!" He grinned.


In a time period of 2 hours or less they finished.


"Wow that was quick." She sighed.

"I guess we make a great team!" He smiled.

"Yea." She gingerly smiled.

"So what do we do now?" He asked.

"Well I don't really know since we finished a lot earlier than I expected." She said tilting her head.

"Wanna just stay here and talk." Adrien said awkwardly.

"Talk about what?" She pouted.

"Um...oh! I know we could ask each other questions to get to know each other better." He exclaimed. She blushed at the thought of getting to know Adrien better.

"Okay! You ask first since I can't come up with anything. Oh and don't repeat a question!" She said. He nodded his head.

"Alright. What's your favorite hobby." He said starting of simple.

"Um..I like to sketch designs and bake. Pretty basic." She grinned.

Adrien you idiot that was a horrible question you know her hobbies. Adrien thought to himself.

"Ok..what's...your favorite animal." She asked.

"Oh I really like cats." He snickered.

"Cool!" She grinned even though it was the opposite for her.

"Alright who do you look up too." Adrien asked hoping it wasn't too forward.

"Well...I really look up" She said looking away.

He was shocked. He then grabbed her shoulders.

"But why? That is if you wanna answer." He said trying not to be too shallow.

"Well because you're really talented at a lot of things and your super nice and gentlemanly.." She blushed.

"Sorry if that sounds a bit strange and all." She said turning her head away.

"No, Marinette that's so cool! No ones ever looked up to me before." He said kindly.

"Ok! So what do you think of ladybug." She asked genuinely curious. After asking the question she saw Adrien slightly blush?

"Well she's amazing. Ladybug is brave,smart, graceful, and so many other things. I guess I look up to her." He said with a loving tone.

She smiled. That smile quickly turned into a frown.

He's in love with the other me. Not the actual me. He never will be in love with me.

"Hey you okay?"

"I'm fine just thinking!" She exclaimed.

"Alright! So what do you think of Chat Noir since we're on the superhero topic." Adrien asked just as curious.

"Well Chats an idiot in my opinion but, I know he can be reliable. Although I wonder if he's okay." She frowned.

"What do you mean by okay."

"Well sometimes when I see him he looks a little down. I just wonder if he's doing alright in his personal life." She frowned.

Adrien instantly pulled her into a hug.
Marinette blushed 50 shades of red.

"Adrien are you alright." She exclaimed.

"I'm fine..." He said in an upset tone.

She worries about me. Not just Adrien but, also chat. Adrien thought happily.

She knew he needed a hug by the tone of his voice. She returned the hug and rubbed his back.

"Sorry about the sudden hug." He apologized.

"It's ok we all need comfort sometimes." She said lovingly.

"Can we stay like this for a while." He said.

"Ok.." She grinned.

~10 minutes later~

"Uhhhh." She said.

"Sorry I just realized how long it's been!" He said flustered.

"It's ok." She smiled.

"Well I have to get going.." He said disappointed. He didn't wanna leave.

"Yea it's getting pretty late." She frowned.

They bid each other farewell.

"Oh wait Marinette!"

"Ye-" she was cut off by Adrien kissing her.

"Thank you. I really needed that hug." He smiled.

"Y-your w-welcome." She said as she was very flustered.

Adrien proceeded to leave. Since it was a Friday he thought he'd pay her a visit tomorrow. He'd have to make up an excuse to visit her since they finished their project. Oh doesn't matter. He wasn't planning on kissing her or anything.......right?


Hey guys hope you enjoyed this. Should I do a part 2 on this in which Adrien visits Marinette unexpectedly. Well anyways stay tuned bye <3

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