My lady!?

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Marinette had been sitting in her seat waiting for Alya to arrive to class. At that moment Alya burst the door open causing quite the scene.

"Alya what's wrong" Marinette said worriedly to her friend who was breathing heavily.


"What is it Alya." Marinette said breathing a huge sigh of relief.

Alya had already caught everybody's attention so she started whispering to Marinette.

"Okay so a fan of mine sent me this picture and it is amazing take a look." Alya said while giving Marinette her phone. Jeez what now. Marinette thought as she giggled to herself.

But when Marinette saw the picture it was a whole different story. Adrien and Nino had been watching them and looked at Marinette in wonder.

It was the picture of ladybug kissing Chat Noir when he was under the akumas spell.

"Cool right" Alya said.

"You already posted it didn't you." Marinette said very sarcastically. Grabbing her water bottle to drink some water.

"Yup!" Alya said proudly. She looked at Marinette to see that was kinda gloomy.

"Hey how come you don't seem to be happy about it, is it because you have a crush on Char Noir, Mari" Alya winked flirtatiously.

Marinette started choking on the water she was drinking.

Adrien overheard and started having quite the coughing fit himself.

"Me like a flirt like him. Alya id rather fall from the Eiffel Tower." Marinette said. Alya snickered.

Another coughing fit was heard from Adrien. She thinks I'm a flirt. It's true but she didn't have to be so harsh about it. Adrien thought. And wait what was the picture, it's posted on the ladyblog so I'll check it out later. Adrien thought to himself as the bell rang meaning class was about to began.


School had finally ended which meant Adrien could go see what Alya had posted on the ladyblog.

He looked at the picture wide eyed.

"WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN!" He shouted to Plagg.

"Oh you were possessed by an akuma and ladybug had to kiss you to break the spell." Plagg said while eating his glorious cheese.

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME!?" Adrien shouted.

"I thought you knew." Plagg said very bored.

"Plagg......" Adrien mumbled in an angered tone.


Ladybug had arrived to her patrol and started checking the streets for any suspicious activity. Only one thing bothered her. A little stray had seemed to be following her around.

"Chat will you please stop following me and go home." Ladybug finally said as she got way too irritated.

"I can't do that buggaboo" he said with a smirk even though his shoulders were way to tense.

She saw right through him. What does he need to tell me that he's so tense.

"If your gonna say something then say it already!" Ladybug shouted quite irritated.

"MY LADY WHAT IS THIS" Chat shouted as he showed her the picture from the ladyblog.

"Oh that." She said.


"You weren't conscious at the time so I thought it'd be better left behind." Ladybug said calmly even thought her blush said otherwise.

"YOU COULDVE TOLD ME!" He continued to shout.

"It doesn't matter so please drop it." She said looking away.

"It matters to me.." Chat said

"I wanted our first kiss to be special but, I didn't even feel it. Let alone know about it in the first place." He said.

"Silly kitty." Ladybug said as she made her way to Chat.

She then gently kissed him on the lips.

"There now you felt it and you know about it. Happy?" Ladybug said smoothly.

He grabbed her by the waist.
Woah she just kissed me..

"Not really. It wasn't very special my lady." He smirked as he once again kissed her but this time more passionately.

"That's better." He said pulling away for air.

"You didn't have to bite my lip you know." Ladybug pouted.

God she's so cute.

"That only made it better my lady." Chat grinned as he leaned in again.
Before he could kiss her a click was heard.

Another picture huh.

"We should leave." Ladybug whispered.

"But my lady...." Chat frowned.

"Don't worry kitty we have all the time in the world." She said as she began to zoom away.

Once she'd gone. Chat started jumping up and down. Score! He thought to himself while smiling like an idiot.


On the other hand a not so very happy Marinette looked at the bite mark on her lip thinking about how she'd explain it to Alya at school tomorrow...


This was a bit short. Sorry that I suck at writing about ladynoir. What miraculous ship do you want me to write about next :)

I hope you enjoyed reading.
Stay tuned bye <3

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