So promise me.....

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Marinette had been laying down on her bed in full agony. She couldn't move a muscle. In an akuma battle she got terribly injured. For one she was thrown into a tree and through a glass window. Cuts and bruises were all over her body. Chat was very worried about her condition. She told him that once she purified everything it'd be healed.

Which was a lie, since she couldn't even wanna move her hand an inch.


Chat was roaming the streets of Paris and decided to stop by Marinette's house to tease her a bit.

But when he stopped at her window his eyes were full of fear and panic. Marinette was asleep on her bed with a bunch of cuts and bruises covering her body. She looked lifeless.

The thought of it made him break her window lock. He then proceeded to desperately jump in to check on her.

She woke up and quickly got up to check who just broke in.

He heard a whimper of pain come from her. Which was his fault for breaking and entering but, he was too worried.

"Chat what are you doing here..." She said in a sleepy voice.

".........." He stayed silent.

"Chat.." She repeated unaware that he was examining her wounds.

He came closer and closer to her until he abruptly stopped. They were only inches apart.

"Scars don't suit you princess.." He whispered as he held her hand tightly. She looked down.

"Chat I'm alright-" she said before she was cut off.

"You don't look okay to me!" He yelled while grabbing her chin and staring directly into her eyes.

"But-" she tried.

"No, you are going to tell me what happened so I can find this person and
make them miserable." He said still looking directly into her eyes.

She was shocked...since when did he care so much about me?

"Chat it was during an akuma attack I was just thrown here and there by the akuma but, you and ladybug saved me so there's nothing to worry about now." She said trying to lighten up the mood which didn't work.

"How can you be so calm've been hurt so badly." He said as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"You looked so lifeless..." He said with the same fear in his eyes as before.

"I wasn't there to protect you I'm sorry...I'm" He said aa stream of tears began to flow from his eyes.

"It's my fault, how can you ever forgi-" he was cut off as she closed that gap in between them.

He was shocked and embarrassed since she kissed him while he was crying. It didn't matter since tears rolled down her cheeks as well. The kiss felt so warm. It changed the whole atmosphere.

To his disappointment she pulled away. Looking into his beautiful eyes and smiling.

"Say whatever you like but, it will never be your fault." She smiled.

He looked at her wide eyed.

"Promise me you won't take the blame." She said gently.

He grinned while nodding.

He then looked at her wounds and started treating them.

"Chat I'm seriously alrigh-" she continued as she was cut off by a sneaky cat kissing her neck.

"C-chat!?" She yelled.

"What princess?" He smirked.

"What do you think your doing!" She yelled as she got up abruptly.

Bad idea.


She forgot about her wounds and instantly fell down due to applying to much force in a short amount of time.

Chat tried to help her but knowing his luck he ended up falling on top of her.

He looked down at her and apologized. Even though he looked like he was enjoying this way to much.

"So chat.." She responded.

"Yes princess~" he purred.

"Could you get off." She replied sarcastically.

"Sorry princess but, I'm afraid I can't do that." He said with his signature smirk.

Wait why is he getting closer, he's way too close!! Omg breath in breath out. Remain calm. Just look away!

Too late his lips collided against hers and once again they were drawn into a warm kiss.

After what seemed like forever they both pulled away for air.

"Sorry if I may seem unattractive with these bruises and all. It doesn't suit me at all..right?" She said looking away.

He stood up. Then reached out a hand to help her up as well. He then cupped her cheeks.

"Now you have to make me a promise." He said seriously.

"Okay.." She said hesitantly.

"Promise me that no matter what you'll never think bad of yourself because you are beautiful." He said with a whole hearted smile.

"Okay. I guess we're even now!" She smiled brightly.

The light mood increased when Chat gently grabbed her by the waist trying not to cause her any pain. He whispered into her ear.

"I love you~" he said with a smirk.

"I love you too." She smiled happily.

Before she could think he pinned her to the wall.

Oh god....

"Now where were we~" he whispered.


Heres some spicy marichat. *wink wonk* I hope you guys enjoyed this edgy chapter. Next part will be Adrinette. Well love you all stay tuned bye <3

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