Companions (part 2)

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Adrien had gotten up extra early just to go see Marinette. He had nothing planned to do so why not.

He checked his phone.

"Oh! It's pretty chilly out today." Adrien said as he read the forecast.

He decided to put on a specific blue scarf and headed out.


Marinette was happily oversleeping in her bed. She finished all her homework and had nothing to do. So what better way to spend her weekend than to sleep.


Adrien finally arrived at the bakery. As he entered the door chimed and he instantly could smell the pastries.

Marinette's parents knew him by now and gestured him to the staircase.

He wet up to Marinette's room and knocked in her door.

No answer.

He knocked a little louder.


Too late now. Adrien quietly entered the room to find Marinette asleep.

He walked over and looked at her. She was smiling in her sleep. Causing Adrien to blush a little bit.

Wow she's a heavy sleeper. He chuckled.

He chuckled a little to loud which caused her to wake up. He hadn't realized how close he was to her until their foreheads smashed together. Which was caused by Marinette getting up so abruptly.

"Ouch!" She yelped.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up." Adrien grinned while rubbing his forehead.

"That's okay but, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I thought I'd pay you a visit." He smiled.

"Thanks that very ni-" she was going to finish until she saw the scarf he was wearing.

"What is it?" He asked worriedly.

"That scarf..."

"Oh this, my dad got this for me it's made out of-"

"Cotton." She finished.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"H-huh..did I say cotton! I mean! Uh....lucky guess.." She panicked.

"Marinette is there something your not telling me?" He asked leaning in.

"N-no I would never hide anything I promise...haha." She said nervously.

"Are you sure." He said leaning in even closer.

He's way to close! She thought as she backed up a bit.

"I'm not getting out of this." She sighed.

"Nope." He grinned.

She went to get her sketchbook. Marinette then proceeded to mark a page,close the book, and give it to Adrien.

The realization hit Marinette. Adrien had kissed her yesterday. She instantly turned red.

"Well I'm gonna go to the kitchen really quick to get something to drink." She said as she rushed out the room.

Cute. He thought as he saw her red face while she left the room.

Adrien then proceeded to look through the book. Admiring all of Marinette's designs. He reached a certain page that Marinette marked and froze in place. It was a design that looked exactly like Adriens scarf.

There's no way right? He thought but, then he read the title or design name.

It's said "Adriens birthday gift."

He sighed looking at the scarf.

If she made it then why didn't she tell me. He eagerly thought.

Marinette suddenly came into the room handing him a cup of tea.

"Oh thanks!" He forcefully smiled.

So that's how she knew the fabric and material.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"Oh nothing other than the fact that you lied to me.." He pouted.

"What! When did I lie to you." She exclaimed.

He pointed to the scarf.

"So you saw the page." She said calmly.

"Don't act so calm! Why didn't you tell me!" He shouted a lot louder than he wanted too.

"Well, you looked very happy when you found out that your dad got you a gift so, I didn't wanna take that happiness away from you." She smiled.

God she's so amazing. He thought to himself.

He gave her a big hug and she gladly hugged back.

He rested his head on her shoulder.

"Thank you." He smiled.

"Oh and Marinette." He said looking looking up at her.

"Ye-" she was cut of by him kissing her once again. They kissed for a bit before they pulled for air.

"I love you." He grinned.

"I love you too you idiot." She smiled.


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed part 2! What ship should I write about (I take requests). I also wanna thank you all for liking my fics though they suck sometimes. Well anyways stay tuned bye <3

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