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Marinette entered the classroom with all eyes on her. She hadn't been to school in a few days, so mostly everyone was worried.

The bruises hadn't fully healed so she still covered her body with some black leggings and a big red long sleeved sweater.

"Hey Marinette! Good to see that you're back." Nino cheekily grinned.

"Hi Nino." She smiled.

"Hey Marinette! Glad to see you're doing okay." Adrien gingerly smiled.

All she did was nod her head and go to her seat.

Adrien looked at her worriedly.

Why is she ignoring me. He thought.

Then looked over to see Chloe glaring at Marinette from the comer of her eye.



The day soon moved on and it was finally after school.

Marinette made her way to the lockers with Alya. She opened her locker....

There was a note.

    Meet me at the back of the school as soon as you leave.

What is this. Marinette thought.

She quickly said goodbye to Alya and hurried to the back of the school.

She got to the back and saw no one.

"Jeez..." Marinette started making her way to leave.

"I knew you'd show up if it was from him." A bitter voice snickered.

Marinette sighed.

"What do you want Chloe?" She said calmly.

"Leave." She said.

"Okay." Marinette said as she started leaving the area.

"That's not what I meant!" She screamed.


Adrien was following Marinette until he lost track of her.

He was around a class with an open window when he heard a scream come from Chloe.

It took him a second, but he made all the connections and started to run to  find out what Chloe was doing with Marinette.


"What's wrong with you all of a sudden! I don't get it! One minute you're so shy and the next you act so confident! I don't understand at all...." She yelled.

"I act confident all the time! But I never get noticed unlike you....." She said.

"Chloe are you jealous of me?" Marinette said softly.

"So what if I am! Are you gonna tease me now." She said.

"Chloe there's a major difference between boasting and confidence." Marinette continued.

"You can be like that too. You can be confident if you tried. It just needs to happen little by little. And I've seen your improvement really I have." Marinette smiled.

"Why are you helping me? I hurt you." She frowned.

"Everybody makes mistakes. You just have to learn from them. All that hurt, grief, and agony it can be anyone. It just happened to be me and you." She said rubbing Chloe's shoulder.

Chloe did something really unexpected. She hugged Marinette.

"I'm sorry....for...everything..." Chloe said biting her lip to stop herself from crying.

"It's ok.." She smiled while pulling away.

"Hey Marinette? Do you think I can have friends if I tried."

"Of course! Let's start, do you wanna be friends." Marinette held out her hand.

"Ok!" Chloe shook her hand.

"Oh look at the time it's getting late. See you tomorrow!" Chloe said running off.

The moment she saw Chloe left Marinette fell down to the ground. Panting heavily. The sudden impact from Chloe's hug really did a number on her body.

Even if she was in pain she still was smiling.

Is that pathetic? I wonder?


Adrien got to the back of the school when he suddenly saw Marinette fall to the ground.

His eyes were wide and he ran to help her.

"Hey Marinette are you okay!? Did something happen?" He asked although he figured that Chloe hurt her again.

Jeez once isn't enough for her. He thought angrily.

"I'm fine I just worked myself a little too hard today. Also the way Chloe suddenly hugged me it did a number." She smiled.

"Chloe...hugged you?" He was now very confused.

"She's not as bad as everyone makes her out to be. She's just misunderstood that's all." She said as she got up and started to leave.

Adrien grabbed her arm and pulled her into a hug.

"Don't ever scare me like that. Got it princess~" Adrien whispered.

Marinette's eyes widened.


"Yup!" He grinned.

A tear started streaking her cheek.

" I'm such an idiot." She grinned.

He pulled her into a kiss.

Although she was still in a lot of pain, she was overwhelmed with joy.

They pulled apart and he rested his head on her shoulder.

He mumbled some words she couldn't understand.

"What?" She said.

He started screeching.

"Adrien what did you say?!" She pouted.

He looked at her and stood directly in front of her.

"I said, Future girlfriend say what." He smirked.

She just sighed and groaned.

"Love you too." He said as he pulled her into another kiss.

Hey guys! Guess who finally updated! I really like the idea of Chloe and Marinette becoming friends so that's what I did! Anyways since it's Friday I'll have some of the weekend to write more. Expect at least 3-5 updates for this story. And 2-4 for my other story "people change." Well as always love you all, stay tuned bye <3

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