Melodies and Identities Part 2

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Marinette had started walking to class in a huge trance. Adrien really could be chat they might act different but, so do ladybug and I. She was driving herself crazy when something called her out of her zone.

"Marinette are you even listening to me!" Alya shouted at Marinette. She had been talking about the music project. That's all Marinette really heard.

"U-um yea.." She quietly squeaked.

"Hey...are you okay you've seemed down since I started walking with you" Alya said with a worried expression.

"OH it's nothing I'm just really tired hehe!" Marinette said trying to raise Alyas spirits.

"Ok if you say so.." Alya said not buying what her friend had told her but, stayed out of it.

"If you need to talk about it you know I'm here for you." Alya said reassuringly.

"I know!" Marinette said giving Alya a cute smile.


School finally had finished. Marinette spent the rest of the day ignoring Adrien. For example not saying hi to him, looking away from him, ignoring him in the hallway. Adrien surely knew something was going on.

"Hey Nino I'll call you later I've gotta do something before I go home." Adrien said in a very rushed tone.

"Okay later dude" Nino said as he started walking home.

Adrien then ran around the area looking for Marinette. Where the hell is she.

Before he could continue his search he was unfortunately interrupted.


Marinette was hiding in a bush. Yes, a bush. She caught Adrien looking for her and hid. He was close to her but, Chloe had found him which gave Marinette some time to sneak away home. I never thought I'd say this but, thanks Chloe.

It's been 2 hours since Marinette got home and with all her research she was positive that Adrien is her partner. Luckily it was Chats turn to patrol tonight so Marinette didn't have to face him yet. But of course a knight always visits his princess.


Chat had finished his patrol and decided to visit Marinette since Adrien didn't see much of her today.

I hope she's not ignoring me because I kissed her on the cheek. I'm such a dumbass she's totally ignoring me cause of that. Oh well time to find out as Chat.

He rushed over to Marinette's home to find her half asleep on her chair. Had she been practicing piano all day wow..


Marinette was about to drift to sleep when she heard a voice she definitely didn't wanna hear.

"Hello princess..." Marinette heard to her disappointment.
Next time remember to lock the balcony entrance. Marinette thought to herself.

"What do you want Chat" she found it so hard to not say Adrien.

"Well I couldn't let my princess sleep on something so uncomfortable as a chair" he said with a smirk.

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