No matter what...

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Out of all the things that could've happened it just had to be this.

Ladybug thought as she sat in pain staring at a petrified Adrien.

"Where is that cat!" Ladybug said to herself as she barely dodged the akumas attacks.

"Stop running away!" The akuma yelled blasting an attack through her waist.

Ladybug gritted her teeth. She refused to scream. Even though it hurt like hell.

"Lucky charm!" She yelled as an object fell down to her arms.

The pain didn't matter. What mattered was that she defeated the akuma and saved all these innocent people.
At the end of the day everyone was safe  and no one got hurt. Well everyone except her. Even though she purified everything the huge gash on her waist was still there.

She found an alleyway to hide in just in case her transformation wore off. She was safe there until a certain classmate heard a whimper coming from the alleyway.


Out of all the things that could've happened it just had to be this.

She looked at Adrien. It looked like he was in more pain.

"Ladybug..."Adrien frowned.

"What happened?" He said as a tear strolled down his face.

"Nothing major.." She said obviously lying.

"Nothing major!" He shouted as he took out a first aid kit from his bag.

"Lucky for you l have some experience in this." He said as he began to disinfect the wound.

She giggled but, that once again turned into her gritting her teeth.

"I appreciate..the help but I can patch myself up. I've done it before and I can do it now." She said looking away.

He froze. How many times has she been deeply wounded like this. Has it only been the times that I don't show up to a battle.

He didn't listen to her. Adrien continued to patch her up. She sighed.

A beep was heard.

Oh just great. Ladybug thought.

Adrien didn't know what to do. He couldn't leave her here but, her identity...

"It'll be alright. Just close your eyes and I'll quickly leave...simple." She was lying. It wasn't gonna be that simple.

"I wanna do that but, your wound.." He said.

"I-I'm fine.." She said as she passed out. Most likely due to all her blood loss. Thanks to Adrien the bleeding stopped.

He instantly grabbed her. Looking at her face.

"Ladybug!" Ladybug!!" He shouted not to loud. He checked her pulse. She was alive but her pulse was very slow.

Suddenly he heard a final beep and quickly closed his eyes.

Don't open them! Don't open them! He kept chanting in his head but, the temptation was to strong. He couldn't help her with his eyes closed.

"P-princess..." He whispered looking at her body which was completely covered in cuts and bruises.

He proceeded to transform. If Chat couldn't help her then. He's definitely gonna protect her now. He gently carried her bridal style ( wink wonk) and took her home. He took notice that she was surprisingly very light.

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