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Aaron's POV 

At the party me and Katelyn really got to know each other. She is a really cool girl, I think I might like her, she is cute, funny, fighter spirit, ships Aphay. She is all around amazing, I'm ready to move on from Lilly, that is a good thing. *mean while Yip was trying to get him out of a trance* hmmm.... I wounder if she likes me back, she seemed to like me last night, or she could of been her normal self.... I didn't really know her anyway her to begin with, I always thought she was cute... Hmm. I wonder how if she would go on a date with me? Hmmm..... OW!!!! "Huh, what happened." I really was still in thought, I can't get katlelyn out of my mind. Getting to know her, just made me fall for her.

"You there Aaron?" It was Yip.

"Yeah, what yup." 

"So, you and Katelyn were really hitting it off, I think she likes you." 

"You really think so!"

Yip's POV

Katelyn talked to me earlier because I apparently am good friends with Aaron. She told me she had feelings for him and wanted to see if he likes her too. So I walked to Aaron, he was spacing out I thought, I tried to get him out. Finally after 10 minutes, he finally gave me something he still seemed out of it. I tried again, this time he actully snapped out of it. I told him I think Katelyn likes him, he seemed to light yup. I think he also likes her.

"Yeah really, you should ask her out."

"I have no clue how, I haven't been out on a date in...." He used his fingers wow. "In like 10 years, me and my ex wife used to just hang around really, I would never ask her, if anything, she asked me..." He scratched the back of his head and gave a goofy smile.

"Wow didn't know you were so low, I never technology went on a date with Malachi but I know how, I have been planning for a long time." He gave me a weird look. "What I always had a crush on him."

"I see, I have always thought Katelyn was cute but getting to know her, whoa she is really amazing, I, surprised she isn't taken. Come on she is funny, cute, smart, all the above..... I have it bad don't I." I nodded, yup, he was talking the dream about her. He sighed. "Here I thought I would find someone else. I was wrong, that's good right.... I'm so  confused.... What ever, so how do I ask her out?" Did he just ask me! He looked at me.

"Ummmm....... Just knock on her door, who she answers just ask her on a date. Be like.... So how would you like it if I brought you somewhere tonight at seven." He smiled.

"Yeah, I will do I'll set up a picnic at the top of the hill. Do you think that is good?" I nodded, he bite his lip, while smiling. He slightly hugged me and ran off. I turned around to a slightly jealous looking Malachi.

"Hey Booky." I walked over to him.

"What was that?" He said in a quavering voice. My face went to worry. 

"Are you okay? And that, I was just telling him how to ask Katelyn on a date." He sighed in relief. "You thought.... Never, I would never do that to you, okay babe." He smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

"Good, because you are all mine.." He purred into my ear. I blushed slightly, he giggled. "You are cute when you blush." I blushed more, he giggled. 

"Well, your giggle is the cutest." He bite his lip and smiled. I whispered to him, "So how would you like to go on a spying date. Spy on Aaron and Katelyn." I smirked. He did too.

"Count me in."

We went our ways. At six forty five me and Malachi were up at the top of the hill in a tree, we were spying on Aaron and Katelyn, they were coming up the hill, early. Me and Malachi were cuddled up in the tree, we had snacks. We were whispering to each other, and we might or might have not started making out in the tree. Our hands in each other's hair. Pulling each other into the each other, every now and then we would cheek on Aaron and Katelyn, but mostly we made out.

Katelyn's POV (after the talk between Yip and Aaron)

I was in my house cleaning around, I had my training equipment around the floor, till someone knocked on the door. It was the new Aaron. I always had a small crush on the old one, but this new him, I could die for. I opened it, he was blushing. I wonder if Yip said anything. "S-S-S-S-So I-I-I w-was w-w-wondering if y-you are f-f-free 7 o'clock?" He was stuttering and blushing, so cute!!

"Is that a date?"

"Y-Y-Y-Yes." He looked down. I kissed him on the cheek.

"See you at 6:30." He nodded and slowly walked away on a daze, he touched his cheek and smiled. I giggled and went to Aphmau. She took me to her house. "Aphmau, what do I do, this side of Aaron is really nice, talking to him last night made me fall for him more then his looks, I need something to wear. I don't want to mess this up."

"You will be fine, just wear this nice dress and your hair is already wavy." I put the dress in, it was a light blue, it was almost the same color as my hair, the skirt part was silver, it looked amazing, I wounder if Aaron would like it. "You look... Wow!"

"It looks that good?" She really liked it.

"Yes... He would like it. It is 6:20 now so go home, and wait." I nodded and ran home with a smile, I rather no one see me in this dress. I got home at exactly 6:30, Aaron was waiting against the door. He was wearing a black button down and jeans. His muscles are showing through the shirt, he saw me and blushed. 

"You look stunning, I never thought I would live to see the day when I wore something that covers m abs. And you wear a dress, you look very nice. How do I look?" He did a pose.

"Handsome." We both smiled. I locked arms with him, he took me to on top of the hill with the Ireane statue, there was a picnic. "Is this for us?" He smiled and nodded. We sat, I swear I herd some people making out, I don't know, it could just be me wanting to make out with Aaron. *They have eaten food and are now just looking at the stars and talking* Okay, now that noise is annoying me. "I don't know if this is just me, or do you here two people making out?"

"Oh, good, I thought I was the only one."

"I wounder who it is then." He shrugged, I placed my head on his chest, I giggled.


"Oh, just your heart beat is going really fast." I looked up he was blushing and looking up at the stars.

"Heh, I wounder why, totally not the gorges girl that I'm on a date with." I blushed now, he looked down then back up, he smiled, so did I.

"This is one of the best night if my life."

"Me too." I sat up, he followed, with my finger I picked up his chin gently. He looked me in the eye, I smirked, I leaned in and kissed him, I fudge kissed him. To my surprise he kissed back, he wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me into him, I put my arms around his neck. We kissed for as long as we could. There was a squeal and a crash. We turned around Malachi and Yip were there aching in pain. 

"So those make out noises, I think we found the corprets." I said with a smirk.

"What, Aaron hasn't gone on a date in a long time he told me, so I wanted to watch, Malachi came with, then we squealed when you kissed, also we were totally not making out in the tree and every once and a while see if anything exciting is happening." Yip said got guilty at the end.

"Fine, but because you were watching us, we want to watch you guys make out." Aaron said with a smirk, he knows me. We didn't even say anything else in a instant Yip grabbed Malachi's collar and kissed him like no tomorrow Malachi kissed back wrapping his hands around Yip's neck, me and Aaron were freaking out trying not to make any sounds. They pulled away and smiled at each other. "Encore." Me and Aaron both said, this time Malachi pinned Yip to a tree and they started making out, wow, they really don't mind putting on a show when asked, wow, they must feel like they want to kiss each other every second of there life, or more. 

"Happy." Yip said biting his lips from happiness. We nodded and left he brought me home. He turned around, but turned right back round and kissed me passionately and left with a smile. I closed my door in shook I walked to my bed in a daze, I slept dreaming of the new Aaron, and the new me.

The Many Loves of Minecraft Diaries!(Garrence/Malayip/many more ships!)Where stories live. Discover now