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Yip's POV

"I'm pregnant... With a little Malayip..." He said just so I could hear. I stared shocked. Malachi started crying. After getting that to function in my tiny brain. I smiled ear to ear. Before hugging Malachi into a spin. He looked very surprised.

"That's amazing!" I said falling onto the bed hugging Malachi like a teddy bear. "I love you Mal Mal!" I said kissing him passionately, he was still shocked.

"You're not mad?" He said tilting his head.

"Why would I! I love you! You love me! And we're going to love our little baby!" I said poking his stomach. "So how long?" I asked.

"A couple days, but since I'm a dead demon it is like 2 weeks... Also thanks to a potion Jesse made me, I won't be throwing up that often, only in the morning, but only when it gets to like 5 weeks... Or 3 days in my case.... Also I won't get some huge belly!" He said a smile forming on his face. "And I love myself, and you too!" I rolled my eyes.

"Good point, you should love yourself!" I said hugging him tighter. He kissed me before snuggling into my chest and falling asleep. I soon too let myself fall into the land of dreams.

~time skip to, two days after!~

Malachi's POV

Me and Yip are walking hand in hand to a late baby shower that Kyle is hosting for Jesse. I think that is so sweet of Kyle, also they would make such a cute couple! Also I heard they are dating! *is internally fangirling very hard* but is has been 4 day... Or 4 weeks/one month in my case of being pregnant! And it is great! I can't wait for my little bundle of Malayip to be born! And that potion that Jesse gave me really helps... I just kinda throw up in the morning at that's it, but it also helps with the cravings!! Levin walked over and looked at me with excitement, he and lex both walked over. "Is it okay to say I'm internally freaking out to be an uncle?" Levin kinda mumbled.

"You didn't tell no one did you?" I asked.

"Nope! Just me, lex..."

"Yip and Jesse..." I continued for him.

"Good! You told Yip!" He said. Than our dates came over.

"So you going to tell anyone else but four?" Alexis asked.

"Umm... No?" I replied. They all frowned but Yip he just grabbed my hand.

"You'll tell others when you're ready!" He said intertwining his fingers with mine. I smiled.

"Mmhmmm!" We all sat down and talked. Kyle and Jesse sat down with us later with little Emma... I was able to hold her and my insides felt like they were exploding. I was sitting on the playmates she got. They laughed at me. I glared at them, before turning back to Emma who was babbling away with her cute face!! She poked my nose, I just giggled and poked hers, we started playing copy cat so everything she did to me I did to her, she grabbed my finger, I lightly grabbed hers. She started laughing. Than it was present time so I sadly handed Emma over to Jesse. He sat down with Emma on his lap and they started opening present. After we got cake! I was kept my secret excitement down... I have been waiting for cake! I said the potion got rid of most carvings, I'm still going to have them! I took an amazing piece of chocolate cake... Yip saw how I was engulfing it and laughed. I was about to take my last bite but Jesse started said my name in the speech he was giving. "And Malachi has something to tell everyone!"

"No I don't..."

"Yes you do Malachi..."

"I really wish I was paying, attention to what you said earlier..." I mumbled, everyone laughed at my comment. "Is that what I needed to tell everyone?" I asked him.

The Many Loves of Minecraft Diaries!(Garrence/Malayip/many more ships!)Where stories live. Discover now