Ch 36

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Yip's POV when Malachi gets back.

Malachi flashed back a foot away from the couch. He landed with a thud. "Ow... Yip.." He whined.

"Yes baby cakes?" I asked looking down at him.

"I really like this angle..." He giggled.

"Why you say that?"

"Because this angle shows all your luscious curves..." He said seductively... I blushed.. "Also I can see you delicious abs!" He licked his lips... I blushed even more. He held out his arms and I helped him up... He went up stairs leaving me a blushing mess... "You coming to bed Yip?" He stuck his head out. I nodded and went up stairs, Malachi was already sleeping. I chuckled and crawled in next to him. He scooted away from me. He giggled when I huffed.

"And you call me stubborn." He just giggled and scooted over again till he fell off. I started laughing. He jumped on me. He smiled on top of me. "Malachi?" I asked my voice cracking.

"Yes Yip?" He purred.

"Did something happen?"

"No... Well yes... See being a dead demon, we have times where-" He started.

"Oh.." I shivered.

"Hmm..." He smirked and lied down next to me.

"Oh come on... Don't leave me hanging!" I whined. He giggled again.

"What about?" He asked leaning all his elbow.

"How could you climb on me, turning me on, then leave me hanging!" I complained.

"Fine what turns you on" He purred.

"O-oh... Well you shirtless and doing something sexy turns me on... you in those skinny pants, you crawling on me like I'm a toy... you doing anything sexy?" I said.

"Is that so..." He purred leaning closer... He bite my lip. I shivered with excitement. Next he walked out, I settled down he came in wearing no shirt and skinny pants and he walking towards me all sexy. I pinned him against the wall.

Malachi's POV

He pinned me to the wall, his eyes had slight lust in them. I smirked, phase one is a go. "You should know better than to tease me Mal Mal..." He kissed me down my neck and all around my stomach... He didn't find my sweet spot yet... but he started to back up to my neck... And he found my sweet spot. I let out a moan, he smirked. He abused that spot, he kissed it, licked it, bit it... Everything... I moaned at every little thing. He smirked and pushed me towards the bed...

It's about to get steamy in here!

3rd person

Yip towered of Malachi licking his lips... Usually they are not this bad, they have just played with each other, nothing too much... That was all about to change! Yip slowly started to pull at Malachi's pants, revealing his tent. They started taking off each others clothes, they were left in there boxers till Jesse burst through there door... He looked in shock to see Yip straddling his brother... "You know what it can wait..." Malachi and Yip looked at him with a 'really' look. They put on there clothes and walked down stairs, Yip was slightly annoyed... "Sorry for before... But I... Um... Oh yeah! What I came here for... Kyle wanted to train you!" He tried smiling.

"And this couldn't wait, you couldn't knock... You couldn't anything!" Yip mumbled.

"Well tell Kyle we will talk to him tomorrow it's late!" Malachi said annoyed... "Also do you have a bottle of a couple bottles of alcohol on you?" Jesse smirked knowing what he meant.

"It's on brother! Let's go get some shots!" Jesse said grabbing Malachi's hand. "We're going to get wasted tonight!" He yelled walking into the witches but of his parents.

Jesse's POV

"DAD!! Get the shots!" I yelled.

"No Jesse! I need to get back to Yip! This was our..." He trailed off... He was playing with his thumbs.

"Just get slightly drunk!" He sighed and grabbed a couple bottles from my dad and in a flash he was gone.... So instead me and my dad went at it! I won of course!

Yip's POV

I was in bed waiting for Malachi when he flashed in with a couple bottles of champagne. He put them on the table and purred a glass for himself. He was shirtless, and was wearing skinny jeans. He gave me a glass, we were both on our second glass when I grabbed his and placed it on the table along with mine. I pushed him on the bed. "You're not getting away this time..." I purred. I did what we were up to before Jesse came in. I slowly started taking off our boxers.

OKAY!! THIS IS THE REAL WARNING!!! I'm Maddy's friend and I'm forcing her to keep this! Because I know all of you people reading this want to read this!

3rd Person

Yip started Malachi's lips and slowly went down and down, to his member... He took it wholly in his mouth, he sucked on it till Malachi went. He swallowed. "You taste great..." Yip purred flipping Malachi so he was on his hands and knees...

"Yip..." He whined.


"I-I... w-w-want y-you..."

"As you wish..." Yip entered. Tears rolled down Malachi's face. Yip though kissed them away. "Tell me when to go..." He said calmly. When Malachi nodded he slowly started thrusting.

"F-faster..." Yip did as told, Malachi started feeling pleasure and was a moaning mess... He kept telling Yip to go faster. Till they both hit their climax. Yip licked Malachi clean, they both lied down panting. "I love you Yip..." Malachi said snuggling up to Yip.

"I love you too Mal..." He stated putting his arm around Malachi. 

Hope you guys like the chapter... As lately, many people have been saying they are quieting because of bullies... You know what... If you see someone bullying someone, I want you to walk up and slap that person across the face. And if you are getting bullied you say. "GO F*CK YOURSELF!! BECAUSE I HAVE AN AMAZING FRIEND NAMED MADDY! AND MANY OTHERS THAT CARE FOR ME!! AND IF YOU CAN'T ACCEPT ME!! MADDY WILL MAKE YOU A DICKACORN!!!" And I will support you guys no matter what... so yeah... Go be bad b#tchs and go kick some bully #ss!! And tell them I got one person that I know loves me and her name is Madison #####!! Or Mak & Cheese her friends call her!

Love ya all 


The Many Loves of Minecraft Diaries!(Garrence/Malayip/many more ships!)Where stories live. Discover now