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Kyle's POV

Zoey brought Emma back to her house early so it was just me and Jesse. He looked even hotter than usual... He was getting water when I decided to take my move, I couldn't handle my feelings anymore! I walked behind him and hugged him from behind. "Hey Kyle..." He said, I rested my head on his.

"Hmm... I was wondering, can I kiss you?" I asked, smooth Kyle, smooth... I saw Jesse blush but also smiled. We sat on the couch.

"That depends do you like me?" He asked. I scooted closer and put him on my lap.

"I think this will answer your question!" I leaned in and kissed him.

Jesse's POV

OMI!!! He is actually kissing me! I almost immediately kissed back. My arms wrapped around his neck, maybe this will help me forget... I can feel myself having thousands of pounds of weight lifted off my shoulders! I took off his shirt as he took off mine. We have known each other and cuddled and told secrets, it's like we have been boyfriend and boyfriend for a long time! He picked me up and brought me up stairs but stopped before the door. "You sure you want this?" He asked pulling away from the kiss.

"Well, it's almost like we have been dating for a long time! So it's like bring it to the next level, plus, I've loved you for a long time..."

"I loved you just as long maybe longer..." He replied and we started making out again. He pinned me against the bed and started kissing down my neck till he found my sweet spot...

You can use your thoughtful imaginations from there!

Malachi's POV ~After everyone leaves the beach~

HOW DO I TELL HIM!! What if he doesn't want a family? What if he'll break up with me, what if, what if, what if!! SO MANY WHAT IF'S MY BRAIN AND HEART HURT FROM IT!! What if I run away! Than he will search endlessly for me and think I left him leaving him broken hearted! Or maybe he will like it! Or he will hate me!

"Malachi? Are you okay? You have been staring at the ground the whole time! Plus you look like you're about to cry?" Levin asked, cutting me out of my thoughts. Me, Lex, Lev, and Yip were all hanging out around the beach.

"Hmm? Yeah I'm fine!" I said with all the happiness I could show right there.

"You sure babe?" Yip said putting his arm around me. I nodded with a smile.

"Umm... Actually! Can I talk to you in private Lex?" I asked. She nodded and me and her walked away from the others.

"What's up?" She asked. We sat down, we were behind a tree so the others couldn't see us.

"I'm p-pregnant..." I mumbled looking down playing with the grass. "With Yip's child..." She smiled ear to ear.

"Really! That's amazing!" She said. "How old?"

"Just a few days, not that long so I'm not even sure yet...." I mumbled.

"How do you know?" She asked.

"Well this morning I woke up before Yip and threw up in the sink? Plus me being a dead demon the baby will mature quicker than others in my stomach, plus being a dead demon I can actually get pregnant..." I said making a braid out of the grass.

"Does Yip know?" She asked, I shook my head.

"I'm scared..." I said in a near whisper.

"Why? He loves you!"

"I-i-i know, it's just scarey, all the what if's in my head... I'm just glad Jesse is a witch... he gave me a potion that won't make me throw up each morning' plus my belly bump will only show slightly for the whole 9 months..." I said with a sigh.

"I don't get what if's you're talking about?"

"What if he doesn't want a family. What if I ran away? What if he doesn't love the child. What if he leaves me? What if-"

"Okay... I get it know... You don't have to tell him right away but I would tell him sooner or later..." We got up. "And don't worry I won't tell no one!" She added. I nodded and we walked back to the others, who where looking at us.

"You sure you okay?" Levin asked.

"Perfectly fine!" 'Thanks to Alexis's prep talk!'

"Prep talk?" Yip asked. I smiled and nodded. "Hmm... Oh well... I'm letting this slip to latter..." He said pulling me into his arms.

"I'll have to ask Lex latter... So have you seen little Emma! She is so cute!" Levin said.

"I know! I'm a uncle!" I said all happily, they all looked at me confused. "Oh! I forgot to tell you me, Jesse, and Shira are all brothers and sister! We got separated after Aphmau took me!" I said resting my head on Yip's chest.

"Oh! Well... She is so cute!" Alexis said winking at me, than leaned in whispered. "Just like yours is!" Yip didn't hear but looked at me suspiciously. Or he heard and is thinking of the most harmful way to dump me! I started rubbing my feet together.

"OKAY!! What's wrong! You only rub your feet together when you are super scared!" Levin said pointing to my feet. I sighed.

"I-i-it's nothing I'm ready to tell you yet..." I said playing with my fingers. "I'm going to go to bed... See you tomorrow..." I said getting up.

"You can sleep right here!" Yip said about to pull me down. I jumped out of the way, making Yip frown.

"I'm j-j-just going to go to bed..." I ran home, changed, and sat in my bed. I let tears roll down my face. I heard the door open and I pretended to be asleep.

Levin's POV

I saw that Yip was slightly hurt by what Malachi didn't do. He sighed but turned back to us. Alexis was playing with her fingers. "You know something?" I whispered in her ear, she nodded. "You're telling me latter..." I said hugging her from behind and resting my head on her shoulder. We did some more talking till Yip decided he should check on Malachi. Me and Lex went to our house. (well, Levin's but since Malachi moved out Lex moved in!) I shut and locked the door.

"Okay Malachi is pregnant with Yip's child!" She said with a sigh of relief.

"What?!?" I was about to go talk to Yip.

"But he is scared to tell Yip, even though deep down he knows Yip will never leave him it still has that layer of doubt... But since he is a dead demon, he is only a couple days but for him it passes like a couple weeks, in a matter of a couple months the baby will be born..." She explained.

"I'm going to be a uncle!" I said excited.

"Yes you are!" She said.

"I wonder how Yip is doing..."

Yip's POV

I walked into our room to Malachi sleeping. I sighed, got changed, got in the bed, and tried to wrap my arms around him, but he just turned around and scooted away. I sighed before turning around myself and tried falling asleep. What is Malachi trying to tell me? Is he breaking up with me? I tried going asleep, but felt Malachi move, I pretended to be asleep. He got up and walked over to my side before slipping into my arms, he had been crying, his face was stained with tears, and more tears were spilling from his eyes. He must of thought I was still sleeping because he started to mumble things. "I'm sorry Yip... I just hope you won't leave me when I tell you..." He mumbled into my chest. He hugged me tight.

"I'm never going to leave you..." I whispered hugging back. He froze.

"Y-you're awake!" He said surprised pulling away from the hug. But I just pulled him back in.

"Tell me what you are keeping from me... I love you no matter what." Whispered and rubbed circles on his back. He whispered something. "What?" I said. He looked down and mumbled something. "Louder." He took a deep breathe.


Mawhaha! That's what you people get for leaving me on cliffhangers! Exceptionally you! Yes I'm talking to you newish Star Wars movie! You know what you did!

The Many Loves of Minecraft Diaries!(Garrence/Malayip/many more ships!)Where stories live. Discover now