Chapter 10

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The rest of the school day dragged, but we did some fun stuff in Home Economics. Ugh! I have detention today. I moan to myself in my mind. I trudge to the room the detention slip said and I see Ashton just sitting there smiling up at me. I give him a puzzled look and decide to sit next to him. “Why are you smiling at me? I am the reason you have detention remember” I say trying to figure out how he doesn’t completely hate me. “That’s exactly why I’m smiling. Thanks to you I don’t have to go shopping with Violet.” He says like he just won the lottery. “Is she really that bad to go shopping with that you would rather have detention?” I ask while holding back a laugh. “Oh yeah! She is a major perfectionist and she gets frustrated and asks for my opinion and gets mad when I don’t tell her exactly what she wants to hear. Detention is way better than that” he explains with enthusiasm. “So how long have you two been dating?” I ask out of curiosity. “About five months now” he says casually. I’m not exactly sure how to respond. “Cool” I say hoping it is sufficient enough to keep the conversation going. “Yeah I guess. It feels like it has been way longer.” He says mostly to himself. The teacher for detention walks in and she looks like she is so over the whole detention thing. “Just don’t get too loud so I don’t get in trouble” she explains before pulling out a bag of chips and firing up her laptop. I decide to pass notes with Ashton. I know it is so middle school of me, but I didn’t care. ‘Hey Ash so what is it with you and the tapping? I want to know’ I write then slip the note to Ashton who is listening to music on his phone. He quietly laughs and writes a reply. ‘I’m a drummer so it just happens. It’s a subconscious thing’ I read. Wow who knew the boy could spell. ‘That’s so cool. Are you in a band?’ I write. ‘No’ is all he responds. We write back and forth for the rest of detention spanning a world of conversation topics. Once detention ends I say goodbye to Ashton and walk out to the parking lot. I get in my truck turn the radio on pretty loud. I just needed something do drown out the world and I figured loud music would do the trick. Then it happened like somebody had just stabbed me in the heart. The song that came on the radio was me and my brother’s song. It was an old song so why the heck was it on the freaking radio. I finish up the drive to my house before my eyes completely flooded. I miss him so bad. We were always so close and now he is a billion miles away. I wished it would rain. I wished the weather would match my emotions. I hoped I could hijack a hurricane and let my emotions rule the world. Just for a little while. I turn off my truck and reach for my phone. I’m technically not supposed to call him because long distance calling costs a good bit of money but at this moment I couldn’t care less. I called him up and it went to voicemail. “Hey it’s me Kaylee. I miss you like crazy now and I hope you are doing alright. I made some friends and I want you to meet them whenever you come home. Gosh I hope it is soon. I love you.” I say before hanging up. He couldn’t even answer his freaking phone. How could he leave me in a new universe and not even answer his phone. Nobody else is home as usual and I feel awfully stuck. I pull out my phone and for some reason I call Michael. “Hello” he says into the phone. “Hey are you still at Luke’s house?” I say trying to make it not sound like I was just crying. “Yeah” he says sounding a little suspicious. “This might sound crazy but can I come over?” I ask. I hear some noises in the background then Michael says “Yeah sure thing. Let me text you the address” he says. “Thanks” I say before hanging up. I start up the truck and get the text with the address. I plug it into my GPS and make my way over there.

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