Chapter 30

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The diner was cute and full of old people, but hey old people have spent their whole lives eating food so if they are all here it must be the best out of everywhere they have eaten in their lifetimes. A large woman in her forties seats us at a table and I scan the menu for something good to eat. Sometimes I miss the food back home. I decided on the chicken pot pie with of course a diet coke. “Hey Gracie want to sleepover tonight?” I ask once the waitress gives us all our drinks. “Yeah sure thing. Plus you might need somebody to help you up your stairs to bed.” She says in her naturally cheery way. “What are you boys planning to do tonight?” I ask them. “Well I think I will catch up on my sleep. I don’t know about Luke.” Michael says before taking a long sip of his coke. “I’m going to make up for us not doing campfire songs then I will go home and probably work on some covers and maybe even write a little.” Luke says getting a bit excited at the end. “Luke I didn’t know you wrote songs.” I say a little surprised. “Yeah just a little. I mean to make it big you have to be original.” Luke says blushing a little. “Okay how about we go around and say something that we all probably didn’t know about each other.” I suggest right as the waitress brings us our food. “Okay, I’ll go first. I bet you all didn’t know that I am a video game junkie. I play all the time, but not around people.” Grace says as we all dig into our food. I look over at Michael and I think he just fell in love for the first time. “Okay my turn. My favorite Disney movie is Camp Rock.” Michael says as a smile spreads across my face. He watches Disney movies. That’s great. “Okay me next. My natural hair color is blonde. I dye it this amazing dark brown color.” I confess. Luke holds up his blonde hair to my face in order to see what I would look like as a blonde. “Nope I don’t see it.” Luke says after a second. I just shrug because that is the truth so what are you going to do. “Okay mine. I am actually an amazing snowboarder.” Luke confesses. “Nice. I wonder what Calum’s would be.” I say thinking aloud. “Probably the fact that he is not actually Asian” Luke said casually. “What he isn’t Asian. Then what is he?” I ask kind of caught off guard. “Kiwi and Scottish” Luke says proudly. “Wow who would have known?” I say thinking it through.

          We finish our meals and pay before Grace takes us all back to my house. “Hey I’m going to go. I have some things to catch up on around the house.” Michael says before giving me and Grace hugs. He leaves and now it is just me, Luke, and Grace. “So how about those campfire songs you promised me” I say to Luke as we walk into the house. “Well first we might need a campfire.” Luke says. “And I will have to run home real quick to grab my guitar.” He adds. “Well how about Kaylee and I make a fire while you go get your guitar” Grace suggests. Luke runs home to grab his guitar and Grace and I are left having to figure out what to do for the fire. “You know we could just light a fire in the fire place considering I don’t have a fire pit in my back yard.” I suggest. It is really the only good option so Grace chucks in a bit of firewood and lights a piece of newspaper to get it going. By the time Luke comes back with his guitar our fire is going pretty strong. “This was the best fire we could make.” I explain to Luke pointing to our fire. “If it works for you then it works for me.” Luke replies before we all take a seat on the couch. Luke pulls out his phone and pulls up some song lyrics and starts playing. He plays There She Goes and Grace and I kind of just sit there and enjoy and even sway a little. “Okay here is one you should know.” Luke says playing another song. Home on the Range. We all sing along and I watch the fire crackle and pop and see the sky turn dark out the window. Then he plays Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Leaving on a Jet Plane, and Country Roads. “That’s about all I’ve got as far as campfire songs go” Luke says once he finishes. “I think that was wonderful.” I say standing up to get myself some lemonade. “Kaylee do you need me to get you something?” Grace says. “Some lemonade please.” I say sitting back down. I hate having a broken leg.

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