Chapter 25

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My stomach is all tied up in knots and I take a deep breath. “Okay well I was at his house and we were messing around on his guitar then he played me a cover of a sweet song before he leans in and kisses me. I didn’t kiss back because he caught me off guard and he pulled away. Then he goes for another one and I was a bit more ready this time. I kiss back a little this time before he pulls away again. We talk a little and he apologizes before I lean in and kiss him this time. We were both a little more into the kiss this time but we both pull away not too long into it.” I explain not wanting to look up at anybody especially Luke. Finally I look up at Michael and he looks like he is playing over the kiss that I described in his head then I look over at Calum who looks like he is about to fall asleep. “You know I think I am ready for some sleep.” I say trying to sound extremely tired. Luke quickly agrees and so does Calum. Michael gets up and turns off the light before we all drift to sleep. In the middle of the night I suddenly have to pee so I get up and make my way over to the bathroom almost tripping on Michael in the process. I turn on the light in the bathroom and its brightness nearly blinds me. After using the bathroom and washing my hands I turn off the blinding bathroom light and see a light on in the kitchen. Who the crap could that be? I glance back at Mr. and Mrs. Hood’s bedroom and through the crack in the door I can tell that they are both in there fast asleep. I walk towards the kitchen knowing that it is either one of the boys or a robber and usually robbers don’t take midnight snacks from the houses they rob, but I could be wrong. I walk into the kitchen to see Luke as he whips around to see me. “Gosh Kaylee you scared me to death!” he says in a whispered scream. “Sorry I didn’t know Luke Hemmings was afraid of teenage girls.” I say teasing him as I walk over to the fridge. He gives me a fake laugh and a sarcastic smile. “Anything good?” I ask looking over at Luke. “All the good stuff is in the pantry” he says pointing to the open pantry door. I walk over to the pantry and grab a box of Oreos and set it on the counter. “Want some?” I ask Luke as I take the milk from the fridge. I set the milk on the counter and look for the bowls as Luke eyes my midnight snack selection. I pour some milk into a bowl and return it back to the fridge and sit down next to Luke in front of the Oreos. “Why is it always us two?” I ask as I separate the two cookies on the Oreo and lick the cream out. “You mean why is it always that we find ourselves alone all the time?” He clarifies. “Yeah, it is always me and you alone for some reason. It is never me and Michael or me and Calum. It is always me and you.” I say placing the two Oreo cookies in the bowl of milk before grabbing another one. “I was beginning to wonder the same thing. Hey can I ask you something?” he says as his tone suddenly gets more serious. “Yeah sure” I say. Oh great, here it comes. “When Michael had you explain your first kiss, was that us? I mean was I your first kiss?” Luke asks blushing at the awkwardness of the question. I take apart the Oreo and eat the cream out of the middle before replying. “Yeah” I say shyly not really wanting to look up at him. He had freaking made out with a girl while they were in their swimsuits and all I had done was the awkward kiss with him. “I’m sorry” Luke said as I finally looked up at him. I was not expecting this. What in the world did he have to be sorry for? Was he sorry that my life was so pathetic? Was he sorry I had to tell all the boys? I wasn’t really following along here. “Sorry for what?” I ask obviously showing my confusion. “I’m sorry I kind of stole your first kiss and that it was with me and not somebody you care about.” Luke says avoiding eye contact. “Luke you really don’t have to apologize. It was a good kiss. I mean so what if it wasn’t exactly what every girl dreams it would be. Besides I do care about you. Not in the way that I would want to date you, but I care about you as a friend.” I say trying to make sure he sees that he doesn’t need to feel bad. “Yeah, but you deserve the kind of first kiss that sends your heart soaring. The kind that makes you so lucky to be alive. The kiss that you will remember forever with the boy that makes you melt like butter. Not what happened between us.” Luke says beating himself up over this. “Look Luke, there will come a day when I have that kiss, but it really doesn’t matter that it wasn’t my first kiss.” I say making sure he makes eye contact with me. “One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood. You always seem to understand me and you always know just what to say to make everything better.” Luke says. “So who is that quote by?” I ask curiously because I am sure Luke didn’t write that. “Lucius Annaeus Seneca” Luke replies obviously a little disappointed that I didn’t think he came up with it. “I do have to give it to you though. You have pretty good timing when it comes to quoting random people. “Thanks, but I do mean it Kaylee. You are the first person who really gets me.” Luke says as I shove a mushy Oreo cookie into my mouth. Luke laughs at the sight of me cramming the soggy cookie into my mouth and I join him. “That’s what makes us such great friends.” I say once we finish laughing.

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