Chapter 22

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I walked into the room to find Calum messing with the television and Michael sprawled out on the couch. I shove Michael’s leg over and replace it with my butt. I look out the window and the sun is starting to set. I walk over to it to get a better look and snap a photo for instagram. I haven’t been on there in forever. “It is so gorgeous” I say gazing out at the way the lake reflects the sunset. I turn around to walk back over to the couch and Luke is there sitting in my spot. “Hey you stole my spot!” I accuse. “Well its mine now so deal with it.” Luke said adding overdramatic sass. “Fine, I hope you don’t mind me sitting on you then.” I say before sitting on his lap. “Okay” Luke says determined to stay in his (my) spot. Calum pops the movie in and brings a bowl of gummy bears over to us. He takes a seat next to Luke and I on the couch and I place the gummy bears in my lap so everybody can reach them. After about ten minutes all the gummy bears had been eaten and I set the bowl on the floor. “You know if you want I can get up for a second so you can move if you are tired of me sitting on your lap.” I suggest to Luke but he doesn’t budge. I sigh and lean back placing my head on his right shoulder. I can feel his chest going up and down as he breathes and if I am still enough I can even feel his heartbeat. So calm and so steady. He wraps his arms around me and folds his hands in my lap. Well just get comfortable Luke. I don’t say anything because I’m sure he is tired of sitting with his hands by his side. The third Harry Potter isn’t one of my favorites but I enjoy watching it with my boys. My boys. I think that I now have the right to call them that. I smile and laugh a little to myself. Luke looks over at me. I can feel his warm breath on me. If it didn’t smell like hotdogs I would be sort of tempted to kiss him right now. I look over at him and smile. He rolls his eyes and I can’t even begin to imagine what he is thinking about right now. My phone chimes and Luke picks it up off of the couch before I can get to it. I reach for it but he pulls his hand back. He opens the message and I reach for my phone again. “Luke give me my phone back” I say reaching for it again. He replies to whoever it was that texted me. “Luke!” I say reaching for my phone and falling on top of him. He falls into Michael and at this point nobody is even watching the movie. Luke tosses the phone to Calum and I give him a pleading look. Calum tosses it over to Michael. So much for trying to be nice about it. I rush over to Michael, but he throws it back to Luke right before I reach it. Luke and I wrestle over the phone for a minute before he finally lets me win. I read the text that Luke replied to. Oh shoot!

          “Luke Hemmings I am going to kill you!” I say looking down at my phone. “You better run mate” Calum says to Luke as he looks at my face. Heat rises to my face and emotion fills my whole body. I shove my phone into my pocket and start running after Luke. “Get back here Hemmings!” I yell as he runs out the back door. “You little turd ball! Get back here and face me like a man!” I yell as I chase him around the house. After the second time around the house my anger runs out and I lean against the side of the house and open up my phone. ‘Kaylee if you do I swear I will beat you so bad that all the kings men won’t be able to put you together again just like humpty dumpty!’ is what my text from Grace reads. I scroll through my messages again. ‘Hey Kay how are the boys ;)’ Grace texted me. ‘Oh gosh I’m sooooo waisted right now. You now Michael is soooo sexxxy. I think we are gong to get it on tonght.’ Is what Luke texted her. Of all people he had to text her about me and Michael. She is so reasonable and logical about everything except for guys. She is retarded when it comes to guys. She gets so jealous and is so gullible and insecure. That text must have killed her. Most people would have taken it as a joke like Luke had intended, but not Grace. She is going to kill me. I decide to call her up. She ignores my call. “Hey Grace it is Kaylee. Sorry Luke stole my phone and sent you that text as a joke. I’m not really hooking up with Michael. I’m sorry and you know I would never really do something like that to you. I also appreciated your humpty dumpty reference. Please call me. I can’t stand it when you are mad at me.” I say to her voicemail before hanging up. “Hey are you alright?” Luke says coming over to me. “I’m fine. You are such a rotten taco Luke” I say throwing a blade of grass at him. “A rotten taco. I have never been called that before.” Luke says looking at me with those eyes of his. “Don’t look at me like that. I’m mad at you” I say pushing his face away with my hand. Luke laughs and we just sit there for a minute. “I’m sorry” I said taking his hand in mine. He looks down at our hands then up at my face. “I didn’t mean to go all crazy on you. You just don’t know how” the words escape my mind. “How inconvenient your actions were.” I say settling for words that don’t do a fantastic job conveying what I mean. “Hey I should be the one saying I’m sorry. I took your phone without permission and texted something not true to one of your best friends. And worst of all I’m sorry I upset you” he says as his blue eyes stare deep into my soul. “It’s alright Lukey. We cool?” I say standing up and brushing my butt off. “We cool” he says standing up next to me and giving me a dazzling smile. We hug and head back into the house right as the movie is ending. “So she didn’t claw your eyes out?” Calum asks Luke. “Nope not a single scratch” Luke replies before elbowing me. “Calum you owe me ten bucks” Michael says before we all start laughing.

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