Chapter 23

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I look outside and it had become pretty dark. Michael followed my gaze and his face lit up like a Christmas tree. “S’mores time!” He yelled running over to Calum. All of our faces lit up and we all started cheering. “Let’s do this!” Calum yelled while giving a fist pump into the air. We all ran outside like a bunch of hooligans and Mr. and Mrs. Hood take themselves inside after telling us to be careful and that they are going to go to sleep. “Okay let’s get a fire going” Michael says looking at the fire pit. We gather some sticks together and place them in the fire pit. Calum runs inside and comes back with a lighter and some old newspaper. “Hey Cal let me light it” Luke says with his hand out to catch the lighter. “No way mate” Calum says shaking his head at Luke. I let out a little giggle and Michael rolls his eyes. Calum places the newspaper in between the logs and lights it on fire. “Now all we have to do is wait for it to catch” Calum explains wiping his hands off on his shorts. Slowly the fire catches and I go inside to get the s’mores stuff that we forgot to bring outside with us. Luke grabs two marshmallows and sticks them both on a stick and holds it over the fire. Michael copies him and Calum and I roast our marshmallows one at a time. “You know I am a professional marshmallow roaster” Calum says to me as we roast our marshmallows. “Oh really. I would have to taste it to believe it.” I say doubting his roasting abilities. “Well unfortunately I’m not in the mood to roast other people’s marshmallows so you will just have to take my word for it.” Calum says giving me an ‘I’m so adorable’ smile. I laugh and almost drop my marshmallow stick into the fire. “You know I think the burnt marshmallows taste the best” Michael says as he tries to catch his marshmallows on fire. “Gross, what a waste of perfectly good marshmallow” I say disgusted that he would even say such a thing. I touch my marshmallow to my finger tip and it has about another minute to go before it reaches perfection. Michael’s marshmallows catch on fire and after about seven tries he finally blows the flame out. Then he sticks the burnt marshmallows into his mouth and I almost gag. That is so unappetizing. Calum takes his marshmallow out of the fire and starts to build a s’more. I take mine out a little after Calum and touch it to my finger. Perfection. I build myself a s’more with extra chocolate. Calum and I stand there enjoying our s’mores while Michael roasts another. “How is it?” Luke asks me as he makes himself a s’more with one of his marshmallows. I guess he already ate the other one. “Good” I say through my s’more and you can barely tell what I’m saying. Luke laughs and takes a bite of his s’more and his chocolate falls off the back. I laugh through my s’more almost choking and all the boys look at me like I’m some crazy child. I calm my laughter and finish my s’more. I lie down on the grass a little ways away from the fire to avoid the smoke. The stars are so beautiful. I try to look for all my favorite constellations, but I can’t find a single one. “Michael, where are all the freaking constellations!” I yell looking over at him. He comes over and sits next to me on the grass. “Right there” he says pointing to the sky. He points out a couple of constellations to me and it suddenly dawns on me that they must see different constellations than we do on summer nights. I sigh, lie down and just take it all in.

          “Okay I brought my own deck of cards and we are going to play some card games” I say grabbing Calum and Michael’s hands and leading them back inside. “Stay” I commanded as I sat them on the couch. I ran to my bag and got out my custom deck of cards. Crap I just remembered something! Oh well I will find some way to explain it. “Okay here are my cards. Any game suggestions?” I say sitting Indian style on the floor. “We could play BS” Michael suggests as Luke returns from the bathroom. “Is that cool with everybody?” I ask shuffling the cards. They all nod and join me on the floor in a circle. “Okay does everybody know how to play?” I ask dealing out the cards. They all say they do, but I go over the rules anyway just to make sure we are all on the same page. “Okay whoever has the ace of spades goes first.” I say before we start. Luke has the ace of spades so he calls out “One ace” followed by Michael’s “One two” as the game gets rolling. “One three” I say placing my card down. “BS” Michael calls from right next to me. “Take them” I say smirking as he takes the pile of cards. “Two fours” Calum says. “One five” Luke says setting his card down. “Three sixes” Michael says as if challenging us to call him out on it. I think he is so bluffing. “BS” I say with some sass. He makes a tough face at me then takes the pile. I smile a smile of satisfaction throwing down one seven. Nobody calls me out on it and I get away with it like the little BS master that I am. The game continues for a while and Calum ends up winning.

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