Chapter 2

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 I’m pretty glad that they don’t do the whole awkward new kid introduction in front of the whole class thing anymore. I take a seat next to Calum in the back. In front of me there is a big blond jock looking guy and to my right there is a boy with longish blondish hair who is tapping the desk with his pencil. The teacher hands out this worksheet on how numbers are used in our everyday lives and we work on that silently until the end of class. “So Kaylee right” Calum asks as the bell rings. “Yup” I say as I place my stuff back into my bookbag. “What do you have next?” he asks as we head for the classroom door. I unfold my schedule and take a look at it. “Uh English” I say looking at the paper. “Oh lucky you that’s just right across the hall over there” he says pointing to the classroom door. “Mine is all the way across campus” he says rolling his eyes. “See you later then?” I say as we part. He smiles and waves and I am positive this day can’t be so bad. I get into class hoping that Michael would be there so I would know somebody. He wasn’t. I see the boy that I sat next to in homeroom, the one who was tapping on his desk. I decide to introduce myself. He had just taken a seat in a similar location to the one in homeroom. “Hey you were in my first period class weren’t you” I say walking up to him. “Yeah I think so. You sat next to me right?” he says studying my face. “Yeah, I’m new here. My name is Kaylee.” I say extending my hand. He high fives it then laughs. “I’m Ashton. So where are you from?” he asks as I take a seat next to him. “Atlanta, Georgia” I say straightening up my stuff. “So like America?” he asks hoping for simple clarification.  “Exactly like America” I say as the teacher walks in and shuts the door. A pretty blond takes a seat in front of Ashton and I hadn’t noted her before but I’m almost certain she was in front of him in first period too. As class goes on Ashton rarely pays any attention to me. He mostly plays with the blond girl’s hair and occasionally they whisper back and forth. After class the girl slips her fingers into Ashton’s and it finally connects with me that they must be dating. “Hey Vi this is Kaylee. She is the new kid.” Ashton says as the girl scans me up and down. “Nice to meet you, I’m Violet.” She says extending her hand. Finally somebody who handshakes! I shake her hand hoping that Ashton sees how you are supposed to respond to an extended hand. “What do you have next?” she asks politely. “Spanish” I reply without looking at my paper. I got bored so I memorized it during class. “Ash and I have history next” she says giving me a sympathetic look. “See you around” Ashton says as they leave the classroom with their fingers intertwined.

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