Chapter 33

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When I get home I see mother in the kitchen surrounded by bunches of paper. “Hey Mom what’s going on here?” I say grabbing a diet coke from the fridge. “Just some paperwork for the candle shop. How was your day?” She asks looking up at me. She looked tired and stressed like she hadn’t slept in days. “Fine, are you okay?” I ask going over to her. “I’m fine there is just a lot of stuff to deal with that’s all.” She says giving me a weak smile. “Hey I was thinking that we should go on a trip to visit Andrew. Wouldn’t that be nice?” I say hoping that my idea might cheer her up. It had the exact opposite effect. “Sweetie as much as I would love to we just can’t right now.” She says looking up sadly at me. “Why not? I’m sure he would love to see us and you could have Frank manage the store for you while you are gone.” I say hoping that we can go. “We just can’t afford to right now.” She says looking away from me. “How about if I get a job, then I can work enough for all of us to fly out to see him. I’m sure we could find some friends to stay with.” I say rubbing her shoulder. “Look Kaylee can’t you just drop it right now. I just can’t deal with another one of your plans.” She says getting angry at me. I was just trying to help. “Okay sorry.” I say before heading up to my room. That was so strange. I would have thought she would have loved the idea of us all going back home to visit Andrew. To be honest I’m kind of worried that he hasn’t returned any of my calls. I decide to send him another text. ‘Hey Andy, I’m trying to convince mom to take the whole family out to see you. I miss you a lot and it makes me worried that I never hear from you. Love ya!’ I type before hitting send. I change into my yoga pants and Walt Disney Pictures sweatshirt and take a spot on the floor to stretch. Grace is going over to Michael’s tonight to officially meet his family. Luke is over at Calum’s house watching Anchor Man. So I am all by myself on this lovely Friday night. I could crash movie night, but I’m not really in the mood to intrude. I decide to make some peanut butter chocolate cheesecake pops to bring to Grace’s grandmother’s birthday party tomorrow. My mother had moved her stuff from the kitchen and I guess she was out running errands or something now. After cleaning up from my baking extravaganza I decide to start on homework because there is nothing better to do. I finish all of my homework quicker than expected so I creep on all of the five seconds of summer covers on YouTube before going to bed.

          The next morning I wake up take a shower throw on my white floral skinny jeans, black crop top and flip flops. I brush my teeth and put a little bit of makeup on. I swipe on some deodorant and fishtail braid my incredibly long hair. I go downstairs make myself some fried eggs and watch a little news. It is kind of awkward watching Australian news because a good bit of the time I’m not entirely sure of what they are talking about. Grace texted me telling me that she is waiting in my driveway so I grab the peanut butter chocolate cheesecake pops and my purse. I see an envelope on the counter with ‘Kaylee’ written on it in big letters so assuming it was mine I shoved it into my bag. I hopped into Graces car and held the dessert in my lap. “You know you didn’t have to make anything right” she says eyeing the dessert. “Yeah I know. I just wanted to be nice and not show up empty handed.” I say looking down at my creation. She drives us over to the nearby park where I see a bunch of people setting stuff up and a large group of children playing Frisbee. “Hey Gracie! Good to see you. Who is this?” her grandfather says hugging her. “This is my best friend Kaylee” she says motioning to me. I smile and shake his hand. “Now you girls go have some fun. It looks like the kids have a game going over there if you want to join.” He says directing us to the Frisbee game. “Ashy Ashy over here! I’m open!” I hear a boy who looks about ten yell across the grass. A Frisbee comes flying over to him and he successfully catches it. I look over to the thrower of the Frisbee and there I see Ashton. I keep forgetting that he is Grace’s cousin. “Hey Kaylee! Hey Grace!” he calls at us waving. “Hey Ashton!” I say waving and making m way over to him. “How have you been?” he asks me. “Oh you know same old same old. I have to put up with that one.” I say pointing to Grace who currently has a four year old girl in her arms. “Ouch sounds like a tough job” he says sarcastically. “Yeah well somebody has to do it.” I say laughing. “So what have you been up to Mr. Irwin?” I say pointing my finger at him. “Well I broke up with Violet actually. I was planning on telling you that.” He says as a Frisbee flies past his head. “Really what made you do that?” I ask. “Well I thought about everything you had said and last night I went over to her house to surprise her with a movie and a teddy bear I saw her making out with that creepy guy from homeroom. She didn’t even stop or anything or try to explain. So I broke up with her right then and there.” He explained. “Oh my gosh this was all last night? Are you okay? That sounds pretty rough.” I say expressing my concern for him. “Yeah it wasn’t a real walk in the park. I threw the teddy bear into her trash and returned the movie then went home and beat the snot out of my drums. And now I need new drumsticks.” He explains getting slightly mad as he goes on. “Well at least it frees you up to go out with a girl who deserves the teddy bears and the movie nights. Somebody who loves you for so much more than your looks. Now you can move on and you might even find Mrs. Right.” I say putting my arms around him. “Yeah that’s true. Hey there is somebody I want you to meet.” He says changing the subject and dragging me across the field. “This is my main man Ryan.” He says before doing a cool handshake with the ten year old boy. “Ryan this is my friend Kaylee. She is also Grace’s best friend.” He says introducing me. “Sup” he says before giving me a high five. “So Ashton where is your girlfriend?” he asks looking up at Ashton. “We broke up little man. She is so old news.” He says playing it cool. “So is this your new girlfriend?” he asks looking at me. “Nah, we are just friends, but she’s cool.” He says to Ryan before he runs off to catch the Frisbee. “He is my little cousin and I baby sit him all the time.” Ashton says turning to me. “He looks up to you” I say pointing out the obvious. “Yeah I’ve kind of figured so I really want to live a life worth following. You thirsty?” He says before leading me over to the drink table.

Gotta Get Out (a five seconds of summer story)Where stories live. Discover now