Chapter Two: Fireflies

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This chapter is dedicated to Kaitlin90 for making the first cover for this story! Thanks you rock!!!

Enjoy the chapter!!!

 Three weeks and tons of unpacking and painting jobs later, we were finally able to relax.

  We had spent all of our time painting the apartment and then we got the place furnished. Our hard work really paid off because the place looked amazing. It was painted modern and bright colors. Turquoise, violet, lime green and we had decorated it with the best furniture we could find at stores.

  Luckily, now we didn’t even have to worry about work because the day we had moved into our apartments, we had all quit our jobs. Trust me, I was the happiest girl in the world since I no longer had to work at Taco Bell, or Grease Central as I liked to call it.

   Now we were all sitting in the green living room, Jessie, Mason, Maven and McKinley plopped on the brown leather couch and the rest of us on the ground, all of our eyes on our brand new TV. We were watching some old show from the 80’s that was making me want to sleep.

  I rolled on to my back and stared up at the ceiling. I was so bored, there was really nothing to do. None of my friends seemed to notice the bored expression on my face since they were all so interested on the TV. I was almost bored to tears, so I decided to do the one thing that usually brought some excitement to my day: Sing a messed-up song.

  “You would not believe your eyes, if ten million fireflies, lit up the world as I fell asleep,” I sang under my breath.

  Peyton, who was sitting next to me, smiled and continued what I was singing. “’Cause they fill the open air and leave teardrops everywhere. You’d think me rude but I would just stand and stare.

  We looked at each other and giggled. We searched for the rest of the lyrics to the song, but McKinley found them before us.

  “I’d like to make myself believe, that planet earth turns slowly.” She swayed back and forth dramatically as she sang.

  Soon the whole group besides Jonah was singing the chorus together with dramatic tones to their voices.

  “It’s hard to say that I’d rather stay awake when I’m asleep. ‘Cause everything is never as it seems.”At the end of this verse, Mason stood up on the couch and screamed ‘yeah!’ like a rock star would, his arms going crazy as he did so.

  “Shut up!” Jonah yelled, getting up from the couch and pushing Mason down. He didn’t land that gracefully since his face broke his fall. “If you wanna sing, sing something good!” Jonah pleaded.

  I crossed my arms and looked up at annoyed Jonah. “But we’re bored! We live in a new town now; there’s gotta be some fun places we can hang out at!”

  “I agree with Lucy, I’m bored like heck,” Maven announced, twirling some of her hair between her fingers.

  Jonah crossed his arms and threw his head back. “Well then, I know what we can do.”

  He walked into the hallway next to the living room and he pointed at the door the led to the extra bedroom. “We’ve already established that one of the rooms is for the girls and one of the rooms is for the boys. Who gets this extra room?”

  “No one,” Drew replied. “It wouldn’t be fair if someone had a room all too themselves.”

  Jonah sighed and shook his head. “Yeah it would man.”

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