❦ Chapter 13 - Welcome

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[Melody's POV]

It wasn't long until we arrived to California.

My father and I were dropped off first at our house.

He says he also has a home in London, and we can stay there sometimes.

I was excited for knowing more.

"So, what's it like in United Kingdom?" I asked after waving goodbye to the bus as it left and walking to the house.

Tomorrow is our appointment for the DNA tests.

I shrugged as I unlocked the door.

"Mostly cold, rainy, but pretty tranquil in our area," He said.

My eyebrows scrunched. "Our?"

"Well... I kind of have a girlfriend," he admitted, looking over at me.

My eyes widen. "A London girlfriend? How sweet," I smile.

His eyes widen as he opened the door and we walk in. "You're not mad?"

I scrunched my eyebrows. "Why would I be mad?"

He hesitated to answer, bit still did as he closed the door.

"Usually kids don't like when their dad has another girl that isn't their mom in his life," he said.

I sighed. "I can't say I will feel angry, because the mother I was born to abandoned me."

He frowned sadly. "I really am sorry, Melody. You didn't deserve someone like her anyway."

She smiled. "Neither did you. She would have hurt you, emotionally, and I'm glad she's not in our lives to hurt us in any way."

He smiled as we leaned in and hugged each other.

"You know... Even if you're not my kid, doesn't mean I'm gonna abandon you," he said.

I smiled as he kissed my forehead as he then smoothed down my hair.

"Now, allow me to welcome you to your new home," he said, motioning to the small apartment.

I smiled at it as I looked around.

It was a regular sized apartment. Elegant dark wooded furniture stood neatly positioned in the room, along with a flat screen TV, and near the back was a furniture shelf with a few trinkets, framed pictures, and a stereo system.

Near the balcony door stood a beautiful upright piano, decorated with a few candles.

A door was a few feet from the shelf, most likely leading to the kitchen.

I smiled at the homey feeling of the sight.

"Its small... But its home," He smiled.

"Its perfect," I smiled. "The furniture is beautiful."

"Thank you," He smiled. "Here, Ill show you to the room. I still gotta clear out the extra room, since I use it mostly for storage. So in the meantime, you'll be staying in my room for a while."

"Its no problem. Thank you," I smiled as we entered his room.

A queen sized bed with cream and black colored sheets and comforter set were thrown around the bed, as if someone had woken up, and a few music sheets and clothes scattered around the floor a little, as well as some dark decorations of cameo portraits, taxidermy insects, posters, and other things decorated the walls.

"Sorry for the mess," he chuckled.

"Seeing the tour bus, this is nothing," I giggled.

He laughed as we set our bags down.

"If you want, you can take the bed. I got a sleeping bag," he said.

"No, you don't have to. I can take the sleeping bag," I said.

"Yeah, but, you deserve a more comfortable bed for a while," he said.

I protested, but he stopped me.

"Its okay. I've slept in sleeping bags and cots here before, its really no problem. Soon your room will be ready and it'll be no problem," he said.

I hesitated, but nodded. "Okay."

He smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"We're gonna be okay," he smiled.

I smiled back.

Now, let's get you settled and then you and me can eat dinner and relax in the living room," He said. "We're having take out tonight so you can choose what you want."

"Thank you, again, Mr. Jinxx," I said, nodding my head.

"No need to be formal," he chuckled. "Just Jinxx is fine, or Dad. Whichever you're more comfortable with."

I smiled and nodded.

He then showed me around the apartment, and soon while he ordered our take out, letting me decided to order some take out from a burger place.

I changed into a comfy sweater and black leggings when I heard a meow in the room.

I looked over to see a brown cat appear from under the bed.

I smiled.

"Hello, you," I smiled, letting her rub against my leg.

"Where did you come from?" I smiled, kneeling down to pet her.

She purred, but looked unamused and unhappy.

I then read her tag.

"Mao, huh?" I asked. "Might as well let Jinxx know you're here."

He meowed as I picked him up, holding him comfortably.

I carried him out, seeing Jinxx was looking through some CD's.

"Lose someone?" I asked.

He looked up and his eyes widen.

"Wasn't expecting Mao until tomorrow. I guess his sitter had to drop her off early," He said. "No wonder her food and water bowls were full."

"Well, she seems pretty disappointed for being early," I giggled as I set her down.

"Yeah, she always looks like that," He laughed.

It wasn't long until our food arrived that we sat on the couch watching some movies and soon went to bed.

Tomorrow determines if he really is my father.


Hope everyone had a great weekend. :)

♡~ sapphire.

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