❦ Chapter 36 - Questions

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The school was immediately shut down for investigation.

Search parties were sent all over the area and even surrounding cities, looking for Melody.

Ashley and Andy had even called a bunch of our friends to help in the search, and police issued an state wide Amber Alert for Melody.

My family was also flying in to help with the search and are on their way now, same with the band's family who was eager to help out 

Bands we know also offered to help us find her, searching all over South California with the search parties.

Elias's uncle was a detective and offered to help us with the case as much as he can, even contacted all police forces in California to help search, even going as far Trinity, California and even Siskiyou.

Melody's classmates and faculty of both Athena Heights and Saint Ferdinand have also joined the search, spreading out to search all over Southern California.

We looked all night for her and the search is continuing now while I meed with a detective running the case.

I refused to sleep until Melody was safe at home with me and Alice.

"Mister Ferguson, I'm Detective Liam Fletcher with LAPD, and have been assigned to this case. I want you to know that the whole California police force is doing everything in its power to find your daughter and whoever took her," the detective told me.

"I want to do whatever it takes to bring my daughter home," I said, and almost broke down again. "God, she must be so fucking scared, she's only 16 years old....."

"We're doing all we can to find your daughter. Now, I just have a few questions for you and Miss Moggs. Are you able to answer them?" Detective Fletcher asked.

I took a deep breath as we nodded.

"Okay. Now, do you have any enemies, or know someone who could cause harm to you or your family?" He asked.

"I play in an international rock band, I've got a line of people as long as the number of fans who would punch me in the face just because," I said.

"The band is currently under some turmoil, only ones not completely involved in it are Jeremy and the band's drummer," Alice said.

"That would be... Christian Mora, one of Melody's emergency contacts?" Detective Fletcher asked, looking at the file.

I nodded. "Yes."

"Aside from enemies of the band, anyone else?" He asked.

"What about Sammi Doll?" Alice frowned.

"What? No, Sammi would never do something like this," I said. "Besides, she lives in Europe now."

"Sammi Doll?" Detective Fletcher asked.

"My ex-wife, but we haven't contacted each other in years since our divorce. She barely even visits the States anymore," I said.

He nodded in understanding as he looked through the file. "Mister Ferguson, I understand Miss Moggs is not Melody's biological mother, correct?"

I sighed. "No... Melody's biological mother abandoned her in an orphanage when she was a baby..."

"Can I have a name, please?" He asked.

"Umm... Victoria Hayes," I said as he wrote it down. "But wait, you think Vicky did this?"

"Majority of the time, child abductions are committed by a relative," he said. "I'm just going through all my options here, sir."

"But.... No.... Victoria wouldn't have taken her. She abandoned Melody, told me herself she wanted nothing to do with her own daughter... What would she want with Melody?" I asked as then he closed the file.

The Violinist's Joy (Daughter of Jeremey ''Jinxx'' Ferguson)Where stories live. Discover now