❦ Chapter 45 - Grandparents

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The wedding plans continued and right now it was a bridal dress fitting.

There was now only less than 2 weeks left and everything was almost complete.

My father and the band was in the living room being fitted into his tux for the wedding while me, Tahlia, Inna and Alice were being fitted into our dresses in the studio room so the groom wouldn't see the bride's dress.

For bridesmaids it was me, Tahlia, Alice's sister Sarah, Inna, Tiffany, and Aunt Autumn.

The groomsmen were Ashley, Jake, CC, Andy, Uncle Travis, and since a sixth person was needed, Rupert was asked. 

Rupert was also going to perform a song for Jinxx and Alice's first dance.

As for Alice's pregnancy, she's been doing well so far, and has another appointment soon. Its a long time until then, but I can't wait until we all find out if she's having a boy or a girl.

"Ouch!" Tahlia said as the seamstress accidentally pricked her.

"So sorry, miss," she said, fixing the skirt of the dress a little

"Its okay," Tahlia said as the seamstresses continued.

"I honestly cannot wait for this," Inna smiled as she was being fitted into her bridesmaid dress as well.

Tiffany was running late with CC so her dress was hung up for until they arrived.

"Ready?" Sarah called out suddenly and we all turned to see Alice emerge from behind the screen.

We all gasped in awe as she shyly smiled and turned around.

"Miss Alice, you look so beautiful," Tahlia smiled.

"God, Jinxx is one lucky man," Inna smiled as I excused myself from the seamstress adjusting my dress and walked over.

"You look like a princess," I smiled.

"Thank you, love," she smiled as she held to my hands. "I'm so excited."

I smiled as then there was a knock at the door and everyone screamed.

"Relax! It is only the young groomsman!" Rupert's voice spoke.

"That still counts!" Tahlia said as Inna quickly helped Alice hide before opening the door.

"Sorry, sorry," he said, covering his eyes with his hand. "Melody, someone's at the door with you. You're dad and uncles are stuck getting fitted, I finished early."

I furrowed my brows.

"Maybe its the twins wanting to discuss the playlist?" Tahlia shrugged.

"Actually, its a man and woman... She looked kind of sad to be honest," Rupert said.

Tahlia and I looked at each other in confusion before Aunt Autumn walked over.

"Give us a few minutes, I'll go with her. Melody, go change and put on your robe," she said.

"Yes, Aunt Autumn," I said as Rupert left and me and her quickly changed out of our dresses.


I made sure my robe was tied securely before walking over to the door, where Rupert and now Uncle Jake waited in his jeans and muscle shirt waited by the door.

I walked over and there stood a familiar looking woman, and a man as well.

They seemed to be in their late 50's, and had upset looks on their faces, in a sad way.

The Violinist's Joy (Daughter of Jeremey ''Jinxx'' Ferguson)Where stories live. Discover now