Chapter One

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Eren shakily stood up from his position on the empty sidewalk. To him, this was a normal evening, scavenge for food, find a place too rest, and hopefully not die in his sleep, the same damn thing every day.

He carefully made his way too the park, clutching his aching stomach. He hadn't eaten in days, and was starting too feel the effects.

All Eren wanted was a bed, some food, and for someone too care about him. But all of that was gone. No one cared about him, he was just a 'beggar,' another flaw in society.

Eren let out a string of long, body racking coughs. Once he had recovered from his coughing fit, he noticed a man staring at him.

He had a very displeasing look on his face, as if he had eaten something sour.

"If you're that sick you shouldn't be out in public." He snapped, eyeing the boy in the middle of the sidewalk, "That's disgusting."

Eren gave him a weary apology, "I'm very sorry." He offered a small smile and limped past the man, "I'll try too stay out of public places."

The man (who was significantly smaller than him) cringed. "You smell, when's the last time you had a damn bath?"

Eren stopped in his tracks, "I don't know." He continued limping away, a bit faster this time, he wanted too get away from this man, he could be dangerous, but, couldn't he tell that Eren was homeless? It didn't take a genius to figure that out, that's for sure.

"Whatever." The man breathed, continuing walking away from Eren. He was disgusted, how could someone be that positively revolting? He didn't actually see that brats face, and he didn't really care, he just needed too get home, it was late, and he had work early the next morning.

The mans name was Levi, clean freak, work-a-Holic Levi. He had work early every morning (excluding weekends) with his fellow co workers, Hanji and Erwin, only too return late at night, exhausted and only too start the day over in a few hours.

Eren continued walking too the park, the park benches where the only place he could stay. If he stayed on the sidewalk, he was sure too get hurt by someone, it had happened before, where do you think he got the limp from?

He found one that look relatively comfortable and laid down on it. People in this world where cruel, All Eren wanted was someone too care.

He fell into an uneasy sleep, his teeth chattering due too the cold.


Levis P.O.V

My alarm clock rang, awakening me from my dream. I couldn't remember what it was about, but I had tears streaming down my face.

I wiped them away with my sleeve and thought very hard, 'What was my dream about?'

3rd Person P.O.V

In his head, he all of a sudden saw two Caribbean green/blue eyes staring at him. He jumped, startled by the image, but it quickly disappeared, as if it never existed.

Levi shook his head, 'Lack of sleep, I really need to do something about this damn schedule.' He stepped out of bed, stretching and turning his head too the wall where is calendar was.

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