Chapter Seventeen

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Me and Levi flew to France the next day, he was still in a state of shock. Right now we were both sitting in a taxi, on our way to the hospital.

"She'll be okay." I said trying to comfort him. He didn't answer, he just grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

I knew what it felt like to be in this much pain, so I didn't press the matter.


After we got to the hospital, Levi almost strangled four nurses, and a doctor, When they wouldn't hurry up and tell him the room number.

"1738." The woman said quickly, trying to save her life. "The room number is 1738."

Levi nodded his head once and grabbed my wrist, dragging we to the elevators and up to the hospital room.

When we got up there, Levi was on the brink of tears.

"Levi," I said, kissing the top of him head, "She probably wouldn't want you to cry, it would hurt her too see you like this, and she'll know that she would be the cause."

Levi nodded and hugged me, resting his head under my chin. "I wish Petra would have been able to come, but her job wouldn't let her off until tomorrow."

The door opened and there stood a man that resembled Levi a bit.

"Hello Levi." He said, "Glad you could make it, but it will all be for nothing."

Levis eyes widened, "Don't tell me-"

"No, no, Your mothers getting discharged tomorrow."

Levi sighed in relief and slumped against me, "I was so worried."
I hugged him, "See? I told you she'd be fine."

"Who's that?" Levis father asked, opening the door for us to come in.

"Eren." Levi said simply, not actually answering his fathers question. But I was wrong.

"Oh! The famous Eren Jaeger, I've heard a lot about you." He shook my hand, "I'm glad my sons found someone he really cared about."

I smiled and looked at Levi, "You told them about me?"

All of a sudden I heard a voice from the other side of the room that was feminine. "We weren't sure if you two were actually going out, Levi called us asking how to ask someone to date them."

I laughed at this and Levi scowled, but it didn't faze me.

Levi walked over to him mother and hugged her. "You had me so worried." She smiled and returned the gesture, "Maybe this was my only way to get you to come visit us." She chuckled.

From the hug she spotted me, "Ah, so this is Eren? He's a hot one!" She smiled and whispered something in Levis ear that made him flush crimson. "W-What?! No!?"

He chuckled nervously which made Levis mother burst out laughing. "I knew it!" She reminds me of someone I know.

I shook her hand, but she yanked me into a hug, "Oh it's so nice to see Levi happy! It's been a long time!"

I smiled and hugged her before pulling back, "I'm glad I can make that happen, Mrs. Ackerman."

"Please, call me Janice! My husbands Richard, but everyone calls him Rich."

I nodded, and I felt Levi grab my hand out of no where. Janice smiled and clapped her hands once together, "You guys are just so adorable! I'll have to get my camera!"

Levi rested his head on the side of my shoulder, "So what time tomorrow are you getting discharged?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "I dunno, the doctors told Rich, not me.

"12:00" Rich said, looking at a piece of paper that was on the chairs on the other side of the room.

Janice rolled her eyes, "I'm tired of this prison food! I need meat!" Rich shrugged, "We'll take you to a fancy restraunt tomorrow for lunch, how does that sound?"

Janice pouted and slammed back down on the hospital bed. "I'm fine! I don't see why I have to stay in this hell hole for another day!"

Rich sighed and face palmed, "I can't do anything about it dear, if I could, we would be out of here and back home in no time."

Levi rolled his eyes, "Don't worry Eren, they're always like this." He walked over to the window and looked down, "You guys got a really high up room."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Why does that matter? Oh, is my wittle Wevi afwaid of hewights?"

Levi gave me an angry glare and I backed off almost as soon as the words left my mouth.

"Stop being so scary Levi," Janice said, sitting up, "Jesus." She slammed back down in her fortress of pillows and let out an exasperated sigh. "I'm so fucking bored!"

After a few moments of silence, she gasped and sat up, again. "Oooo! Eren! Tell me how you and Levi met!"

"I don't thinks that's a good idea.." Levi muttered, looking out the window and then back to me.

I didn't really say anything, and Levi groaned in slight annoyance, "Erens parents kicked him out for no reason when he was 12, and he's been on the streets ever since."

Janice's and Rich's eyes widened, "Oh my, are you alright dear?"

Rich furrowed his brow, "But that still doesn't tell us how you two met."

Levi sat down in the chair next to his mothers bed, explaining to his parents about how me and him met. In great detail, even including small things that i didn't even remember happening.

"And then we had to share a bed, and Hanji, you know her, and Petra took photos of us, and I chased them for like an entire hour."

Janice laughed , "Awe! You two are so cute!"

Levi was an entire different person with his parents, he was so open compared to when he was with his friends.

I smiled at this and listened to the story remembering bits and pieces that made me happy. I've only known Levi for four months, but it feels like it's been an entire life time, he's made me so happy, and I thought I was going to be on the streets forever, but I was wrong.

Levi smiled, like straight up, full smile, at me. "And then Eren said, "If you cut sushi like you suck-"

"Levi!" I snapped, blushing, while almost laughing myself at my comment from two months ago.

Rich just raised an eyebrow and gave his wife a questioning look after she had laughed at that.

"What?" She defended, still laughing, "He's hilarious! Levi, he's definitely a keeper!"


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