Chapter Eighteen

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Me and Levi flew home two days later after every thing was sorted out, we had also called Petra to inform her that her mother was fine, which she was very happy about.

We where currently calling Hanji, asking her to pick us up at the airport.

After a few rings, I could hear her answer on Levis phone. "Hola?, oh hi Levi! Right now? Okay! I'll be there in 30 minutes! Bye-ya!" She hung up and Levi shoved his phone in his coat pocket, "She'll be here soon."

I nodded and looked around, the airport had many different food venues and shops for all ethnicities. There was one that sold  things related to American Culture, like Hamburgers, and a 'Vote for Trump!' Bumper stickers, and a few that said, 'You can't spell  screamo without EMO.'

I sighed when I saw it and pointed the the item out to Levi. He just shook his head, "Our country needs help."

I agreed and continued looking around until I saw a familiar face in the crowd rushing over too me and the ravonette.

"Hey guys!" Hanji yelled, jumping on my back, "Let's go home and eat some food!" She repeated saying this until we got to the car, in which Levi had to pry her off of me and stuff her in the drivers seat.

Levi then took the passengers seat and I got the back, which I complained about.

"Why do I have to sit in the back? Levi probably isn't even tall enough to sit in the front!"

He glared at me and motioned that I shut it or else. Hanji started up the car and drove out of the massive parking lot, onto the highway.

"You're gonna regret that." He said while smirking.

"Am I?" I retorted, returning a smirk.

Levi raised an eyebrow, "You wanna go?"

I shrugged, thinking that he wouldn't make a move, until he unbuckled the seatbelt and climbed into the back with me.

My eyes widened, "L-Levi, I was only joking-"

Levi bit the side of my neck, making me release a moan.

Hanjis eyes widened, "No, no, no, no, NO! Not in my vehicle! Wait until you get home!" Levi just flipped her off and started to take off my shirt.

"Levi." I said breathlessly, "N-no."
I was completely fucking lying to myself. I wanted this to happen, as inappropriate as it was.

Hanji made a weird face in the mirror, "Levi, no, stop, BAD LEVI!" She grabbed a newspaper that was on the dashboard and rolled it up, hitting Levi on the top of his head as if he were a dog.

He straddled my hips and started to grind against me.

"Levi NO." Hanji screamed from the front, trying to drive while pulling him off of me.

"Levi YES." He said back, swatting her hand away, continuing his previous actions.


After few minutes of Hanji screaming, and driving only with her foot, Levi was back in the front seat with his hands tied in front of him with two zip ties, and a very unimpressed expression on his face.

Levi made a move to say something but Hanji slapped a piece of duct tape over his mouth.

He made a noise of protest, and let out a long string of (what I think were) profanities and threats about Hanjis first born. Oh wait, that was impossible.

Hanji sighed, "Jesus Eren, now look what you've done to him."

"I didn't do anything!" I argued, "It's Levis who is the horny pediphile!"

He turned to me, you could see the anger radiating off of him in waves. I chuckled nervously, "Heh, we're all friends.....right?"

Levi narrowed his eyes and said something inaudible, which I tried to ignore. "He's going to kill you later." I said to Hanji.

Even though I talked to Hanji, I could see Levi in the corner if my eye, not changing his position, while he still continued to say things that were muffled by the duct tape.

"Eh, whatever." Hanji shrugged it off, "He won't actually kill me, I'm his boss."

Levi narrowed his eyes even more and lurched forward, yelling things that no one understood.

After another five minutes, Levi was tied next to me in seat belts. He stared intently at Hanji, probably thinking over and over in his head how he's going to kill her.

I rolled my eyes at how childish he was being and grabbed his waist, setting him on my lap.

"There?" I sighed, "Happy now?"

He nodded and snuggled his head into my chest. Making me feel more comfortable and relax.

All of a sudden I felt Levis hands on my crotch and I made a surprised noise.

All I can say it that, Levi spent the rest of the ride home in the trunk.


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