Chapter Twenty Two

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Authors Note.

Holy shit you guys! Almost a 1,000 reads?!?Thank you  so much!  I know this story sucks ass, but I'm trying people 🌚 I really try.

Also, something you guys will be interested in.....

Smut suggestions?🌚🙏🏼

[Erens P.o.v]

"Get a restraining order on that woman." I grumbled out, slamming face first into a pillow.

After we had to basically chuck Hanji out of a third story window, she agreed to leave, not before giving us the photo book to me, and she said, quote on quote, "For 'reasons.' "

Levi sighed and sat next to me, "I tried a few years ago, but then she was released from the mental physicality."

I groaned again. "Figures."

I heard Levi moving around before I looked up, he was holding up the maid costume while smirking.

"Hell no." I said, sitting up and crossing my arms (one of them being broken still) "I am not wearing that."

Levi pouted, which was something that I thought I would never see happen.

"No." I repeated, upturning my nose and looking away, "I'm not a girl-"

"But you look like one."

I glared at him. "Tell that to my dick."

"You're imaginative one?" Levi said, chucking a bit and eyeing the black and white frills, "Then yeah."

I flipped him off and threw the covers over myself, "Fuck your all in your holiday hole."

There was no answer for a minute before I heard him mutter, "I wouldn't mind that."

I threw the covers off of me, "What?" I was having a hard time processing his request.

Even Levi was blushing a bit, "I said-"

"I know what you said." I sighed, picking at my nails, "I just didn't think you would want to be bottom."

Levi looked away from me, his cheeks tinted pink. This made me smirk, "So, Levi wants to be bottom?"

He didn't answer, he just chewed on his lip while staring intently at the wall.

I walked over to him and snaked my arms around his waist (It was kind of awkward since one of them was broken, but it was do-able)making him let out a surprised squeak.

"Would you like that now or later?" I kissed the side of his neck, making him shiver in response.

"Now." He said just above a whisper.

It didn't take anymore words for me to start sucking on his neck while massaging his hips, (With one hand) He started panting, but didn't moan.

I frowned and stopped for a moment, before slipping my hand up his shirt, "Levi~ I want to hear your voice."

I pinched his nipple and his body jerked, falling back against me. I chuckled in his ear and then whispered, "I knew you were going to be sensitive there."

"S-shut up." He said, his eyes closed tightly as he let out small moans from pleasure.

I retired to sucking on his sweet spot while he moaned for more.

"Ngh~ E-Eren."

The way he moaned my name made my member twitch. "Say that again." I said, breaking contact with his neck for a moment.

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