Chapter Twenty Six

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Okay, so everyone is like "WTF?!" About the last chapter, but it wasn't my idea.

Someone requested that shiat. They DMed meh.

You know who you are you little perv. 🌚


"HI LEVI!" Hanji screamed into the phone, making me drop it onto the floor.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled at her, picking it back up to inspect it for cracks before holding it back to my ear.

"You should come and visit!" She giggled, and I heard a loud crash and muffled cursing.

"HANJIIII~" I heard Petra yell, and then loud footsteps. I smirked, "Better run shitty glasses."

I had just gotten out of the shower, When the dimwit named Hanji decided to call me.

"PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!" Hanji yelped, who was most likely running from my sister.

Yes, she seemed adorable and harmless, but when she was angry, shit, you might as well just kill yourself and save her the trouble.

One time when we were in middle school, I accidentally stepped on one of her BVB CDs, snapping it in half.

Why was is on the floor? I don't fucking know. Petra was always messy when she was younger.

Let's just say, there was scissors stuck in the dry wall by my head.

Maybe that's how Eren got those scars on his stomach-

"COME. AND. VISIT." Hanji yelled finally, still most likely fighting off Petra.

"Why should I?" I challenged, crossing my arms and walking out to the kitchen. "You guys seriously JUST moved in, shouldn't you unpack and stuff?"

Hanji snorted, "We've been living here for a few months, besides- THEY HAVE SNAKES IN MONTANA. HOLY SHIT MAMA LIKES."

I face palmed and took a glass from my cupboard, filling it up with water before sipping it slowly, still listening to Hanji and Petra fighting.

"I FOUND A RATTLE SNAKE AND I PUT IT IN A TREE!" Hanji squealed, and then I heard a loud 'thud' noise.

I heard Petra clear her throat, "New phone, who dis?"

"Levi." I answered simply, setting down my glass and sitting in a dining chair, "Did you just kill Hanji?"

"Nah~" Petra hummed, "She's just sleeping."

I raised an eyebrow, "Suuure... If you kill her, I wouldn't mind, I would supply the body bag."

"Hey!" I heard Hanji yell in defense, "You wouldn't kill me! I'm your boss!"

"Not anymore."  I smirked and picked at my fingernails when Hanji didn't answer.

"Here's why I actually called..." Hanji said, trailing off.

After a few minutes of silence I narrowed my eyes, "Finish your god damn sentence or so help me I will-"

"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" They both yelled in unison, giggling after they said it.

My eyes widened and I didn't respond. "W-what?!"

The girls giggled again, "Next month! We know it's kind of soon, but we want to get married ASAP."

"Eren!" I yelled, "Get your ass out here!"

There was a loud 'thud,' similar to the one earlier.

Eren ran out, his shirt on backwards. "What?" He asked, he was panting heavily and his face was red.

"What the fuck were you doing?" I asked, holding out the phone to him.

He blushed a dark shade of Crimson, "N-Nothing, what do you want?"

I guest weed to the phone that I was trying to hand to him and  he got the point.

Eren took it from me and held it to his ear.

"HI EREN~" I heard Hanji and Petra scream, making Eren yelp and almost drop the phone.

He held it away from his ear for a moment while the girls screamed out their greetings.

"Uh, hi?" He answered, making it sound almost like a question then a 'hello.' "What's up?"

After a few minutes I smirked, knowing that he was most likely going to freak out wen he heard the news.

But it was the opposite.

His eyes lit up and he smiled brightly, "Wow! I'm so happy for you guys! When is the wedding?"

He listened for a minute and nodded, "I'll try to get Levi to come, you are his sister after all."

Eren shot me a look and continued talking to the fiancées for a bit, laughing every now and then and discussing the wedding.

God, he was gayer then a box of crayons.

"Hopefully I can drag this grumpy asshole out there." Eren said, gesturing with his thumb towards me.

I flipped him off and looked at the now dark window, examining the city lights below us.

I've always found the view some what relaxing, even though it was the city we were looking at.

"Okay, bye, see ya." Eren said, clicking the 'End Call' button and tossing the phone back to me.

"How long have they been together?" He asked, furrowing his brows and sitting down next to me.

I shrugged and crossed my arms, "I'm not sure, probably about a year, Petra hadn't told me about the relationship when they had officially started to date."

He nodded and leaned back against the chair, closing his eyes an sighing, "How did you deal with them? I talked to them on the phone for two minutes and I'm already tired."

I chuckled and followed his actions. "I don't know anymore, when we were kids, Petra and Hanji were always getting into trouble."

Eren sat up in his chair and have me a weird look, "They knew each other as children?"

I nodded and reclosed my eyes, "We all went to the same school, I was just in the grade above them, I never suspected them to start dating, but maybe it has been going on for a while."

I lightly smiled, recalling a memory of them always playing pranks on me, which I would always get pissed at them in the end.

There were usually small pranks, like dying my toothpaste blue, or putting baking powder in my hair dryer.

Yes I had a hair dryer, fuck you.

But it was always fun, no matter how much I wanted to strangle them, which was most of the time.

I loved it all.

And I was thankful for those two little idiots.

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