Chapter Twelve

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I sat there, utterly confused.

'Why was he kissing me?! Did this confirm-?'

Eren pulled back after few more seconds, and then he realized what he did.

He blushed, "I'm so sorry Levi! I- um... Feelings?" He hid his face in his hands, "I, uh- like you."

I smirked, and lifted his face up, from his hands, "Don't worry, I like you too."

I gave him a quick peck on the lips before I sat up, "Now go to bed,
I have to wake up early tomorrow and I don't want too go to the office looking like a zombie."

Eren nodded and crashed down onto the couch. "Goodnight Levi."

"Good night brat."

(Erens P.o.v)
I woke up the next morning, early.

The only reason that I knew that it was early was because Levi was stomping around the apartment.

"Levi." I groaned, sitting up from the couch, "Could you not be any louder?"

I could just see Levi in the kitchen, he was probably getting ready to leave for work. Which meant that I would be awake for a little while.

"Quit complaining." He snorted, walking into the living room and leaned on the door frame. "Did you forget that this is my apartment? Hm?"

"Well I'm living here now, so I get a say in it." I said, standing up and stretching, "Plus you have neighbors downstairs and upstairs, the probably don't enjoy the noise."

Levi just rolled his eyes and walked back too the door, where he slipped on his shoes. "I'll be home late, feel free to cook whatever you want, if you promise you won't burn the house down."

I strode over too him, "Yeah, yeah, you're forgetting something." I stopped right in front of him.

"Yeah? What?"

I yanked him by his tie and crashed his lips on mine, before I pulled away, making him lean forward, wanting more.

"Now you're free to go too work." I smirked, "Try not too forget me too much.

Levi mumbled a few incoherent curse words and slipped out the door, shutting it quietly behind him.

Once his foots steps faded, I let myself blush.

Levi was just so adorable! He got flustered so easily! Well, I was probably worse, but who cares! Levi said he liked me too!

I almost squealed at the thought of him caring for me, oh god.
Now I really sounded like a school girl.

[Levis P.O.V]

I made my way too work, repeating last nights incidents in my head. I had no idea if I should tell Erwin and Hanji, well, maybe not Hanji. That would not, be a good idea.

They might be able too tell right away anyways, I was in a good mood. I felt the urge to slightly grin, but that probably wouldn't turn out well.


"Ohayo Gonsaimasu!" Hanji screamed in my face, knocking over the coffee on her desk.

I was currently sitting in one of the chairs across from her in her office.

Hanji yelped out as the coffee spread across the table, drenching all of her doushinjis that she had from multiple fandoms.

I rolled my eyes and slid the chair back a little bit, so I wouldn't get coffee on my slacks.

Hanji jumped around for a little bit, cleaning it all up before she sat back in her chair.

"What can I help you with, Levi?" Hanji asked, folding her hands and placing them under her chin.

I rested my forehead on the table, with my arms folded in the desk, "He kissed me." I said quickly, holding my breath.

"Who's 'he?'" Hanji asked.

I gave her a, 'Really?' Look before answering, "Eren."

Hanji leapt up from the desk, knocking the now empty coffee mug over.

"YOU KISSED HIM!?" She squealed, clapping her hands like a retarded seal before slamming her hands back into the table.


I gave her a weird look, "No Hanji, what the fuck? And he kissed me, I didn't make the first move."


"No!" I corrected, standing up, a bit angry.

"I came for help! Not for you to fangirl immensely! If you aren't going too help I'll go too Erwin or Krista!"

Hanji rolled her eyes before plopping back down, "Fine fine fine, I'll help, but you have too promise me that you'll tell me if anything happens!"

"Fine." I spat, "Just tell me what too do now."

"And that's all." Hanji said, cracking her fingers one by one.

"That's all?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, she only basically told me too seduce him, that wouldn't help with the relationship part.

Hanji nodded vigorously, "If you want him too become your boyfriend you'll have too ask, he can't always make a move."

I just frowned, "How do you ask someone?"

Hanji gasped dramatically, "Whaaaaaa? You don't know HOW TOO ASK SOMEONE OUT?"

I shook my head before slamming it down onto the table, "This is so damn embarrassing."

Hanji giggled, "It's easy, you just follow these three simple steps."

I stared at her intently.

"Step one," she said, holding up her index finger, "Find the person you want too ask out."

"Step Two," she held up another finger, "Get their attention."

"Step Three, Say, "Will you go out with me."

I didn't respond.

"It's that simple."

I rolled my eyes, "Easy for you to say."


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