Chapter Twenty Seven

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Colorado was fucking hot.

After a few days of constant phone calls from dipshit #1, and dipshit #2, Eren convinced me to go with him to Montana.

And we stopped in Colorado.

Eren says he always wanted to go there, so we decided to spend a day in Denver near the mountains.

"It's a cactus!" Eren squealed like a little kid, crouching down and poking it around its sharp needles.

"So what?" I asked, getting out the sunscreen and basically pouring it onto my face, "It's just a cactus, if you want one I can buy one at the store or something when we get back."

So why was I pouring sunscreen onto my face?

I'm pale as fuck.

Which meant if I didn't, I would literally burn to a fucking crisp then and there.

Eren had suggested that I wear a sun hat, but HELL NO. I was not going to wear that monstrosity that was designed for 60 year old women.

Eren, on the other hand, tanned. Like all the time.

It wasn't fucking fair.

I wanted a tan.

But noooooooo~ God decided to make me look like a sheet of fucking paper. Plus, I have black hair, which makes it stand out even more.

It aggravates me.

Colorado didn't has as much desert as I thought it would. It was mostly dryer grasslands and Steppes, which disappointed me.

I wanted to see some ergs. (Sand dunes in deserts like in the Rub al Khali)

I sighed and looked around at the gas station we were at. We had been filling up the tank to my car, when Eren saw a cactus and basically fangirled, wanting to see me.

Fangirling = Hanji Mode

That's a 100% true math expression right there.

"Are you done yet?" I groaned, wanting to get back into the AC.

Eren shook his head, smiling brightly, only to return to poking the cactuses green spots.

"Im going to be by the car." I grumbled, swiftly walking over to it and jumping into the cool air.

I waited a few minutes before Eren got into the passages side, still smiling. "Cactuses are so fascinating!"

I raised an eyebrow at him and he shrugged in response, "It's really cool that they can last out in the desert with almost no water."

"Nothing about Colorado is 'cool.' " I muttered, putting the car in reverse and leaving the gas station, which was in the middle of fucking no where, "Everything's hotter then fucking hell, from the ground to the fucking blazing shitty sun. Montana better not fucking be like this or I swear to fucking God that I will turn around right then and fucking there to leave this shitty environment."

Eren chuckled and leaned against his leather seat, "Always such an angry little elf aren't you?"

"You've already used that one."

He pouted and rested his head against the glass window, "But it's a good one~"

"You have shitty jokes." I reminded him, looking at the brunette in the mirror, "I think I might have told you that before."

Eren nodded, "Yeah, you did several times actually within the last four months."

I shrugged, "I'm honest, I speak my mind and I don't hold back."

Eren rolled his eyes and opened the window, making me protest and try to manually roll it back up from my side.

"Even the wind it hot, shut the damn window!"

Eren smirked, "No."

He stuck his head out side of the window like a dog and howled loudly while laughing. "I love Colorado!"

"I don't."


"I want food." Eren groaned, putting his feet up on the dashboard.

"You are three hours ago."

Eren didn't respond for about a minute before he repeated, "I want food."

"Wait until we get to Hanji and Petra's."

"But I want it now."

"That's sounds bad."

"It only sounds bad if you think it sounds bad. And there fourth your a bad person for not letting me have food."

I sighed in defeat, "The next town is in six hours, think you'll last?"

Eren thought for a moment, "No."


"I want food."

"You said that ten minutes ago."

"Get your feet off of my dashboard."

"No, I want food."



"Damnit Eren no."


He. Finally. Fell. Asleep.

I relaxed a bit, knowing that I wouldn't have to deal with his constant begs for a sandwich.

I passed through the town that I 'promised,' Eren I would stop at, hey, he's the one that fell asleep.

Now I was only two hours away from Hanji and Petrs, I had just crossed into the border of Montana and I was relieved.

God I hate driving long distances.


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