Chapter Thirteen

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(This chapter contains sexual content, if you feel uncomfortable with this what so ever, just skip this chapter, you won't miss any of the story line.)

[Erens p.o.v]
I stumbled around the apartment, trying too clean it.

I decided too clean the place for Levi, that would most likely make him happy. He's been having a rough time at work recently, maybe I should tell Hanji too take it easy on him.

I dug through the cupboards in the bathroom, looking for Levis cleaning supplies.

I opened the pantry, only too get hit in the face by a bottle of windex.

I yelped out and fell backwards.

Found them.

I picked up the bottle and found a few other things, like bleach and laundry soap.

I found a few rags and started scrubbing everything in sight, making sure that there was no filth left.


I wiped my brow and examined my work so far.

I had only cleaned the entire kitchen and bathroom, Levi would be getting home in four hours and I had made little to no progress.

Meanwhile.....[Levis P.o.v]

"I made you some tea!" Hanji yelled, slamming it down onto my desk.

I rubbed my temples, "Please stop yelling Hanji, I have a major headache."

"That's why I made you tea!" She chirped, sliding the cup closer too my face, "Just try it! I'm really good at preparing it!"

I cocked an eyebrow at her, but drank it anyways. Not wanting her to feel bad, I finished it all before handing it back too her.

"Now please leave, I have work to finish." I snapped, thumbing through the papers on my desk that Hanji had left earlier.

Hanji giggled and skipped out of the office.

I continued to scribble numbers on the papers, how much the company was spending, and what our profits were.

I tapped my pen on the desk and bounced my knee, I had all of a sudden became so, antsy.

No, not antsy.


One thought came into my mind, Hanji.

I stomped down too her office and flung open the door.


Hanji sat at her desk, her hands folded under her head with her elbows resting on the table.

She smirked evilly, standing up from her chair. "What's WRONG LEVI? Horny are you?" She cackled, clutching her stomach.

I glared at her tapped my foot impatiently.

'Go fuck the kid waiting at home.'

Once she realized that I was literally pissed, she sighed and tossed a small package too me.

" 'Sexual amplification pills? Hanji! You fucking drugged me! You did this so I could fuck Eren!"

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