Chapter Three

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Meanwhile at Hanjis Office...

Hanji sat in her office chair, bouncing her knee. Levi almost never took off work, actually, he's never missed a day of work, except for once.

She sighed and got up, grabbing her coat. "Erwin!" She yelled too the cubical next too her. "I'm going too check on our shortie too see what he's doing on his 'day off.'"

Erwin, who was in the cubical next too her, hummed in reply, not looking up from his computer. "Okay...? Have fun."

Hanji hurried out of the building and too her car, she was worried, the last time Levi took off work was when his cousin was in a car accident.

Back at Levis....

Levis P.O.V

I found myself laughing, laughing at a shitty joke Eren had just made. 'When was the last time I laughed?' I thought, eating a bite of the eggs I had made for me and Eren.

Eren followed suit, also eating the food. He took a cautious bite, smiling before taking another huge one. "This is really good Levi!" He exclaimed, shoving his mouth full of toast.

I chuckled at his behavior and sipped my coffee, trying not to scald my tongue whilst doing so.

Hanjis P.O.V

Once I reached Levis apartment,  I rushed up the stairs too the floor he was on.

'Was he okay?! What happened?!' So many questions clawed at my mind, and I was trying to pick at the most logical one, but I couldn't come to terms with any of my choices.

Levi usually left his door unlocked, so I opened it, rushing in.

"Are you okay Levi?!?" I yelled, running into the kitchen. Levi was there, sitting with a boy, probably only a little bit younger then him.

But that wasn't what caught my attention, Levi was, laughing, and not some psycho killer laugh, a full out one that melted your heart.

"IS THIS WHY YOU'RE TAKING OFF WORK?" I exclaimed, pointing too the boy who was now staring at me with wide eyes.

He looked so sick, he was very thin, who was he?

I looked at the boy and back too Levi. "So who's this? Your boyfriend?"

Neither of them commented or made any signs that they were friends at all.

"Hanji," Levi groaned, getting up from his chair and striding over too me, "This is Eren, he's homeless, I just wanted too help him out, calm your fucking tits."

I rolled my eyes, "That's still not a good enough reason too take of work?" I walked to where 'Eren' was sitting and studied him.

I poked his right shoulder, then his left. "Wow," I said, after I had finished, "You're really thin."

Eren didn't say anything, he just gazed out the window with his hands folded on the table.  "Is something wrong with his head?" I whispered in Levis ear.

"Nothing wrong with me." Eren said, "Except for being a complete screw up, I didn't ask too be homeless."

I closed my mouth and sighed through my nose, what had happened to his happy attitude?


After Levi basically dragged me out of the apartment, he shut the door and crossed his arms, tapping his foot impatiently.

Homeless {Ereri/Riren}Where stories live. Discover now