Chapter Twenty Five

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I sulked behind Levi into the bedroom after I had redressed myself.

That wasn't fair of him to do that! Getting me all hot and bothered before acting as if nothing happened! What the hell was his problem!?!

That wasn't the only thing that was bothering me though, the fact that I still had a boner that was being held back by a metal zipper, and my jeans were soaked with precum, was enough to annoy me to my limit.

Levi set the bags down next to the wardrobe and opened the first one, ripping the price tags off of the clothing before he folded them neatly and placed them inside.

God damn overachiever, tease, sexy ass MOTHA-fo, mm- fuck me daddy-

What the hell are you thinking Eren, get a hold of yourself and think of something besides Levi, like...... Lizards that pole dance.

Images of Levi pole dancing in almost nothing flooded my already foggy mind.


Levi smirked in my direction and went back to folding clothes, which annoyed me, even more then I was now.

"Levi....." I growled in his direction, shocking him and myself over my tone of voice.

Levi brushed it off and continued, acting as if all was well, even humming a tune that I didn't recognize.

After a few minutes, Levi shoved all of the bags over to me.

"Now you finish."


After I finished folding all of the clothes and putting them away, I decided to try to bait Levi.

"Hey Levi." I called, popping my head into the kitchen. He looked up from his book and readjusted his reading glasses, "Yes?"

I smirked, "I'm going to go take a shower."

Levi narrowed his eyes at me. Over the past few months, he had grown rather accustomed to showering with me. Well, there was more sex then washing our bodies, but you get the point.

He waved me off with his hand after a few moments, "Yeah, go ahead."

It was my turn to narrow my eyes at him, how could he turn down that invitation? He never turned down something like that.

Levi was teasing me.

He wanted to see how long I would last.


I slid off my clothing and stepped into the shower.

I was kind of angry that my plan hadn't worked. Usually my plans always work! I am a fucking genius.

Apparently not now anyways.

I grabbed some shampoo and massaged it into my hair.

That shampoo must of been magical because I got a great idea.

After I washed out the shampoo and did some conditioning, I flatted out my hand and banged it once against the tiles, making a 'thud,' sound.

I had to keep my laughter down and I started to moan, "Ngh- ah- Levi! Oh god! Aaah! L-Levi!"

He wants to see how long I last? Let's see how long he can.

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