Chapter Four

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Just so y'all know, this ^, means time skip or end of authors note, K?


After only one day, Eren felt better.

He had enough human interaction then he has ever had in the past few years.

The last person that actually helped him  was a young woman, her name was Petra.

(Yes, this is Levis sister, but Eren doesn't know that, and Levi doesn't know that Eren used to know her.)

~Petra Flashback *Erens P.O.V*~

I rubbed my numb hands together, trying to create warmth. It was only September, but I could tell that this was going to be a cold winter.

I was currently under a train railroad bridge, trying too escape the icy rain. I couldn't afford too get sick, sickness led too death in these situations.

Only a few people ever walked under the bridge, most of the time they were business men or other homeless people.

As a homeless person, I was looked down upon, they saw me as a dirty, nasty person that didn't belong in this thing that they called 'a society.'

I wrapped my red scarf tighter around my neck. I sneezed and shivered, great, now I'm already sick.

I heard footsteps echo on the sidewalk, must be a woman, they sounded like heels.

I was currently sitting against the wall that was the farthest away from the concrete path, this was the furthest I could get from those horrible people. 

I shrunk back and buried my face in my arms that were laid out across my knees.

"Are you all right?" I heard a sweet voice ask from above me.

I opened my eyes, a young woman stood above me, she had slightly orange and red hair and very soft features.

I was going too stay strong, but I couldn't, my walls broke down. "No." I said, starting to cry, directing my attention back too the floor.

"I'm Petra, what's your name?" She asked, leaning down next to me. "Don't get near me." I said, holding my hands up, "You'll get sick!"

She gave me a confused look, "Don't worry, I have health care, a small cold won't effect me."

She took a look at all of my clothing, I was wearing some black skinny jeans with holes, not the type that you can buy in the store, but actual holes.

I had a thin cargo jacket and fingerless gloves, neither of which provided much warmth, and too top that off, a beanie that someone had left in my tin can that I usually placed in front of me.

She frowned, "So, what's your name?"

"Eren." I finally answered, "Eren Jaeger." I coughed and spun around so that I wasn't facing her, I didn't want someone else too get sick because of me.

When I was finished coughing I turned back around, still sitting, "Sorry." I frowned.

"It's not your fault." She said, taking off her coat and holding it out too me.

I noted that she still had another coat on under that, but I couldn't take it from her.

I held up my hands, "I can't take that from you, it's cold out! You'll freeze to death." I pushed it back too her and she just held it out again, "I'm not letting you take it, I'm giving it too you, you almost have no warm clothing, this will help."

I didn't make any money to grab the coat, She sighed, "I'm not moving until you take the coat."

I slowly took it from her and she smiled. "There, now you'll be warm, but you're coming with me."

She grabbed my hand and hoisted me too my feet. "What?!" I asked, as she dragged me out into the rain, still on the sidewalk, "Where are we going?"

"To my apartment, I'll let you get some food, a shower, and you can stay if you want, I just can't tell my brother, he'd skin me alive."

"I can't do that." I said, pulling away, "I'm only going to waste your food, and be a burden."

She rolled her eyes and smiled while grabbed my hand again, "I'm not offering, I'm making you, it's cold and you need a place too stay at least for a little while."

I finally gave up and let her take me to her apartment.


"Eren?" Levi asked, snapping his fingers in front of my face, "Are you alright? You dazed out of there for a second."

I nodded and pinched the bridge of my nose, "Yep, I just have a lot of stuff on my mind."

Levi nodded, " I understand."

After a few minutes of silence Levi broke in, "So I want you too meet my sister, since you'll be living here for a while you might as well meet her."

I nodded,"When?"

Levi shrugged and thought for a moment, "A few days ago she said that she would be coming to visit Friday evening, so I guess tonight?"

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