Chapter Fourteen

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[Levis P.o.v]
As I made my way to work the next day, I had a spring in my step. I was happier than usual, probably because of certain activities, and the fact that I wasn't worried if Eren liked me or not.

I walked too my office and my coworker, Krista, held the door open for me. "Thankyou." I said, smiling lightly, making her face contort into a confused look.

I cocked an eyebrow at her, "What?"

She shrugged it off and went back to her office, while I headed to mine.

Reiner, and Berthdolt (Bert), the secretary's of our company, greeted me as well, like they do every morning. But this time I said hello back, which made them stop in their tracks.

"Hey Levi!" The familiar vice of Erwin called out. I turned around too face Captain Eyebrows, who had a handful of papers in his hand along with a coffee.

"Here's your work for today, and a coffee."

"Thankyou." I said, referring to the coffee before I took a sip of it. His eyes widened and he stared at my face with a blank expression. "Are you alright Levi? Do you have a fever-...."

His lips turned upwards into a smirk, "Oh...."

"Oh what?" I snapped, drinking from the coffee cup again.

"Ohohohohoho." He wriggled his eyebrows.

I realized what he meant and I glared at him, "Erwin, I swear to fucking God, if you tell anyone- and how the hell did you know? Did Hanji tell you about her scheme?"

Erwin didn't reply, he just simply skipped away like a five year old.

I was about to take the papers and put them in my brief case, when I realized, I didn't even fucking have it.

I mentally face palmed myself and took out my phone, deciding to call the apartment. Yes, I still have a fucking landline.

Don't fucking judge me.

You see that thing your doing With your eyes?


Stop it.

After a few rings, the tired, morning voice of Eren answered the phone. "Hello? This is Levis apartment, whom am I addressing?"

"Why so formal?"


I could hear Eren move around and then clear his throat, "Hey Levi! Do you need anything?"

I rolled my eyes. "There's a briefcase by the door, I set it there yesterday, can you bring in to my office?"

Eren didn't reply for a moment, "Oh, uh- sure."

I hung up after that, not wanting too hear his bullshit. I decided to sit in the employees lounge until he got here.

[Erens P.o.v]

After I grabbed a jacket and a scarf, (Curtesy of Levi) I was off.
As soon as I stepped foot into the building, Erwin and Hanji literally attacked me, whilst dragging me by my wrist to Hanjis office.

"Ow!" I said, rubbing my wrist after they had finally let me go, "What the hell was that for?"

Hanji giggled, before she grabbed my hands. "WE KNOW WHAT HAPPENED. WHO TOPPED?"

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