Chapter Twenty Eight

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"HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS ACTUALLY CAME?!" Hanji squealed, running off of her front porch to greet me and Eren.

I rolled my eyes as she hugged Eren in a death grip, making him gasp out for air.

"H-Hanji- can't. breATHE."

"Sorry, sorry." She said, pulling back and grabbing me as her new living body pillow.

Petra walked out the front door of their house with a wooden spoon and whacked Hanji on the head, making her complain and let go of me. "Don't kill our guests."

I looked around at the land Petra had bought, and I have to say, she did a good job of picking somewhere beautiful.

From where we were standing, you could see the mountains, grasslands surrounded us, and a small creek ran through the land.

I nodded my head in approval and turned back to the mansion they had bought.

It was extremely large with giant bay windows that showed a Kitchen, a bed room, and what seemed to be a small library.

"Whattcha think~?" Hanji singsonged, leaning on me, "Petra chose it out."

Eren nodded in approval and was about to say something when Hanji cut him off.

"We also have a roommate! Come inside and meet her!"

Why the hell would anyone want to live out in the middle of nowhere with these two? They must be crazy.

As if to confirm my assumptions, a brunette ran out of the house. Her hair was tied back into a ponytail, she was carrying a potato, and she was wearing a shirt that said, "Tis I, the great Sasha."

"I'm Sasha!" She yelled, jumping on Petras back, "Now, To NARNIA my trusty steed!"

Petra shoved her off and wiped her clothes down, "Sasha! I told you to not to jump on me!"

I rolled my eyes.


"Sasha?" I asked carefully, my eyes widening.

She had been my friend throughout elementary and middle school.

Sasha turned to me, "Eren?"

We stood like that for a few minutes before she engulfed me into a hug.

"Oh Eren! I thought you were dead!"

Tears streamed down her cheeks as she picked me up and spun me around, making me dizzy.

"Let him go." Levi said angrily, you could see the anger radiating off of him.

Yes, he was over protective.

Sasha beamed and kissed me, not in a romantic way, it was just normal for her to do that as a greeting.

Levis eyes widened and he stomped over to Sasha, who was still holding me, and snatched the collar of my shirt.

"Why the hell did you let her kiss you?!" He said in a harsh whisper.


I was going to retort, and say something rude, but Levis expression stopped me.

He looked hurt.

Petra ran up to us and carefully took Levis arm away from my shirt.

"Stop Levi! Sasha does that to everyone! She grew up excluded from people so she doesn't know how to do a proper greeting!"

She shot Sasha a look and the brunette sighed, "Yeah..." She awkwardly scratched the back of her neck, "It's sort of a habit- wait, are you two boyfriends!?!"

I smiled brightly and hugged Levis neck, "Yes, we are, this is my little elf!"

Levi glared at me and prayed me off of him. "Call me elf one more time-"

I higgled and whispered softly to Sasha, "He's an angry elf."

"THATS IT." Levi snapped as he chased me around the ranch.

I ran around the house once, Levi hot on my tail. "You can't catch me gay thoughts!" I dodged a large bush and ran behind a truck.

"I will find you, and I will kill you." Levi snapped, and I could hear him stomping around on the other side of the vehicle.

I slapped a hand over my mouth to muffle my giggles, but Levi heard me.

"Found you!" He yelled, tackling me to the ground. Levi pinned my harms above my head and sat on my hips while smirking at his accomplishment.

I screamed and laughed at the same time, trying to wriggle out from underneath him. "Lemme go!"

Levi let go of my wrists and put both of his hands on either side of my head, and I left my arms where he had pinned them.

He stared at me for a moment and I blushed, turning away from him.

"You're so beautiful." He breathed, leaning down and capturing my lips. I smiled into the kiss and ran my fingers through his hair.

The kiss wasn't rushed or needy, it was passionate and full of emotion.


"YOU HORN-DOGS!" I heard Hanji yell from above us.

Me and Levi separated, out of breath, and looked up at the maniac who was sitting in the bed of the truck, staring down at us.

"Do you always have to ruin romantic moments!" Levi snapped, standing up and helping me as well.

In the time from the kiss started, I already had bruises forming on my neck and collar bone, and my shirt was half unbuttoned, while Levis black v-neck was fully off and on the ground next to us.

Hanji nodded and jumped from the truck onto the hard ground, "I'm a ruinenerwernl." She said, trying to find a proper ending for someone who ruins moments.

I sighed and buttoned my shirt, grabbing Levis and handing it to him, "We should get back to the group and unpack."

"Whatever." He snorted, grabbing my hand and tugging me back to our car.

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