Chapter Twenty Three

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[One Week Later.....]

"Bye shitty glasses!" I said to the vehicle that was now leaving. Hanji and Petra are leaving, and I wouldn't have to deal with that pain in the ass.

Yes, I would miss my sister. But Hanji can go fuck herself for all I care.

I have to get a job, I don't know where, but as long as the place isn't filthy. If I have to work someplace like that, I swear to got that I would slit my throat.

Okay, maybe that's a bit over dramatic, but I don't care. Fuck filthy people. I can't stand them.

Eren was the only exception.

He left messes, but he tried his best to keep my apartment clean, and I accepted that.

Eren has been trying to find a job as well, in the last few weeks. He doesn't know what he's good at, and he doesn't have a high school diploma, so that kind of fucks up his choices.

He wants to work in a coffee shop, or a pop culture store.

I swear if he decides to work at HotTopc, I will march down there myself drag him out of there.

Speaking of stores, I really need to get Eren some clothes. I'm fucking tired of him stealing my clothes like an obsessive girlfriend. Oh wait.

He was one.

If another male or female even looked at me, Eren would be on me in a second. It's a bit annoying, but I find it adorable that he cares that much.

He gets jealous waaaay to easily.


"Dafuq that bitch staring at." Eren grumbled and gestured to a girl making googly eyes over me.

I shrugged and continued eating my sub.

We were in the mall, at the food court. Eren had been complaining that he was being starved, so I had to get him something to eat.

Eren narrowed his eyes at the girl, but she didn't get the hint. She was with a few of her friends, talking and giggling while pointing at me and Eren.

That's when he decided he had enough.

"Bitch, hold my earrings." He got up and was about to stride over there and smack the girls eyebrows off, but I grabbed his arm and hauled him back to the table.

"Calm down." I snapped, "Not every single living organism is trying to take me from you."

Erens eyes softened, "But Levi-"

"I feel like punching someone too when they stare at you, but I don't act upon that, so quit this and finish your food."

Eren eyed his cast, "I would punch someone if I didn't have this giant fucking cement block attached to my arm."

I raised an eyebrow, "Didn't you break a few ribs? You should be in pain, not ready to beat someones face in."

He shrugged and slammed the thing on the table, "I'm getting a saw from the hardware store and taking this off."

"No you're not." I said simply, drinking some of the bottled water that I had ordered.

"Bitch, like you've got a say."

"Don't call me 'bitch'."

"But you look like one."

"Mother fu-"

"If you had slightly higher arched eyebrows and hoop earrings you could go around saying, 'DAS rite ho,' to everything."

Now it was my turn to glare at him. He raised his arms in defense and shrugged, "Hey! It's true isn't it?"

I finally gave in and smiled a bit, "I suppose-"

Oh, not the right timing bitch.

The girl from earlier walked over to us, she was wearing high heels and short shorts the size of her self respect.

"Hey." She said.

She sounded like a fucking smoker, *smoker voice* #teamsmokers

I didn't really acknowledge her, And she tried to get my attention my putting her hand on my shoulder.

I smacked it off, "What do you want?"

She smiled, as if I hadn't just did that, "I want your number."

"It's 1-800-fuckyou."

The girl frowned and touched my shoulder again, this was interrupted by a very pissed Eren.

"He's mine so back off hoe."

She scoffed, "As if, someone who was that hot wouldn't date a low life piece of trash like you."

"Sorry, I'm not a fucking mirror."

She glared at the two of us, "I doubt it."

"Oh yeah?" Eren challenged, crossing his arms, which didn't really work because of the cast.

"Yeah." She sneered, oh fuck her breath smelled bad.

Eren smirked and grabbed the collar of my shirt, I yelled out a protest, but Eren slammed his lips onto mine, forcing them to move in synch with his.

I tried to pull away, kind of pissed that he would do this in public, that was a pretty brave move coming from the blushing brat that I know.

Eren pulled back and gave the bitch a look that said, 'Now go fuck yourself, oh wait, you have male prostitutes to do that for you.'

She made an angry noise and stomped back to her friends who were sitting there in shock over what just happened.

Eren continued to eat his cheese burger as if nothing had happened. I however, had not fully recovered from the sudden kiss and my heart was beating rapidly.

"You okay Levi?" Eren asked, his mouth full of food.

I nodded and Eren stood up, "I'm going to go get another cheese burger!"

I just nodded and waved him off with my hand.


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