Authors Note

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I'm sorry that this isn't an update, I really do hate posting another story part when it isn't a chapter, because I know how much that sucks.

I wanted to post this as a thank you.

Everyone reading this story has been so supportive, and you have no idea how much I appreciate that.

I know only a few select people are the ones that like and comment enthusiastically, but that's totally fine! I understand that you don't want anyone to know that you love Yaoi.
(I used to be like that)
But just reading this makes me overjoyed!

I always hate how I write and the grammatical errors that I make, but no one here is judging that. You see the writing as something that you read, and take the time to press that little star.

Thank you everyone, this story has grown into something that I never thought  it would.

I remember the first story I wrote, which was 'The Bridge,' and I'm still working on it today. {Please go check that out if you're interested~ :3)

When I see someone comment something about my stories like, 'I love this story!' Or, 'please update soon!' It makes me just so happy, it's insane! It's just someone taking almost little, to no effort just to type a few letters and words , and it makes my day!

If you want me to check out any of your stories, I will be more than happy to do that! It's just my little way of repaying you for reading this shitty story.

Again, Thank you all so much.

I know this might seem 'stupid,' and 'fake,' but this is something that's true, I used to have major depression issues.

I used to self harm and do all of this shitty stuff to myself until I discovered writing.
(And I'm not doing this for attention, I just want you all to know about the impact you're creating)

Anyways, I've been a minor otaku for like a million years, so I started writing about Ereri.

My first story, 'The bridge,' is actually based off of a true story.

I used to have a close friend of mine that dealt with major depression issues. His life was utter hell and I knew nothing about it until I got a call from the hospital, I think this was three years ago.

He left a note for me, since I was the only one that actually cared for him. I thought he had his parents, but as it turns out, they were really shifty people that abused him.

He jumped off a bridge into a river near my house, and attempted to kill himself. Someone found him downstream and called an ambulance, thankfully, he was saved.

He wrote a suicide note to me, thinking that he would never see me again.

He was in the hospital for a long time, it was almost two whole months until they let him go.

He got a foster family, that thankfully lived next to me. I think they were the Watsons or something like that.

Anyways, his foster parents true sending him to therapy, but it never worked.

And that's were I come in.

I convinced his Foster parents to let me talk to him about everything that had happened. He barely talked, even to me. I finally had enough of it, so I decided to make a deal with him. If I stopped cutting, he would try harder to be himself again, and he agreed.

After a while, I started bringing another friend of mine over (He doesn't care if I share his name on here, so, his name is Ian) so that he could talk to my friend.

Ian started meeting with him on a regular basis, and soon, my friend that I knew was back.

It wasn't until around last year that I learned they were dating, and it makes me happy to see him smile once again.

I know, it was a really fucking stupid idea to take that and put it as a fanfiction. Yeah, it was a shitty idea. But I did it, and they like it. (Since they're Yaoi 'fanboys')

I don't know why I did it. It was A REALLY STUPID IDEA. I just, URGGGG. But, My friend says that it's a way to make himself happy again to look at Eren in that story and see himself.

(Hanji is me in that story, so if she says anything really fucking stupid, that's why)

So that's all I wanted to say.

Writing that story made me realize how stupid it was for me to self harm and all of that.

And anyways, the other friend of mine that isn't Ian, his name is Jesse.

Yeah, we make fun of his feminine name too.

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