Chapter Eleven

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"Here ya go." Eren said, placing the sandwich down Levis desk. He just nodded and went back too working.

Eren sighed, realizing that he was going to get nowhere with the man at this pace. 

But Levi wasn't trying to ignore the brat, he was thinking. Mostly about what Erwin had said, but there's one thing that was more important at the moment.

Erwin never answered Levis question.

He just asked him a lot of questions, about how the brat acted.

But was it a yes, or a no?

Levi was so confused and frustrated, he thought he was going to faint from exhaustion over the subject. But he was still here, so apparently didn't exhaust out, not yet at least.

Eren sat back down on the couch and unwrapped his sandwich, trying his best not to get crumbs all over the place.

His hand still hurt, but he tried to ignore it, food was his number one priority at the moment.

Eren took a bite of the sandwich and moaned. "This is the best sandwich I've ever had!"

Levi stiffened in his seat and dropped his pen, the brat had the courage to moan around him.

To Levi, Erens moans sounded amazing, he just wanted to hear them over and over and over again.  Moaning his name, not about some stupid sandwich.

Levi blushed at his own thoughts and picked his pen back up from its position on the floor.


"How do you deal with sitting in that office all day?" Eren asked as him and Levi left the building.

It was late, like every night, but Levi decided not to go too the gym. Mostly because how was the brat supposed to lift weights with his hand like that?

Levi shrugged and checked his watch, "10:34." He muttered.

[Levis P.O.V]

I was going too lose it.

No doubt about that.

Maybe he should've left with Petra, that probably would be better for me. If my job performance starts too drop I could get fired, and Hanji would know why it was dropping.

"How far are we away from the apartment anyways?" Eren asked, yawning and stretching a bit.

"Didn't you pay any attention this morning?"

Eren sighed, "No, not really, I was tired. And my hand hurt."

I rolled my eyes at his excuses and finally answered his question, "About five minutes."

Eren smiled, "Yay! Now I'll be able to curl up and all of my blankets and sleep in tomorrow!"

"Stop bragging brat."

"Aren't you rich or something? Why do you have too work?"

I looked up at the moon in the clear sky, "Because I don't want to ride on my parents coat tails, they worked hard for that money, I don't want too just use it all."

Eren looked at the found for a bit in silence before asking, "Did they pass away?"

I gave him a weird look, "No, they've just been in France for like 5 years."

Eren just nodded and examined his bandage.

"When I get back I'll have too change this, don't want it getting infected, right?" He chuckled, dropping his hand to his side.

"That's nothing too be laughing about, Eren." I scolded, "Something like that could really hurt you, you might not realize that, your body can't fight off infections."

"Why do you care anyways?" Eren replied harshly, regretting it as soon as it came out of his mouth. "Ah, I'm sorry Levi, I just have a lot of stuff on my mind."

I was a bit taken back by Erens harsh words, but I just nodded and continued walking until we got back to my apartment. I realized that he had been through a lot over the past week, hell, he's probably  experienced more  then he has since he became homeless.

"Hey Levi?" Eren asked from his position on the couch. I was currently sitting on the black lounge chair across from him, 'reading' my book. (Which mostly was me staring at him.)

"Yes?" I asked, startled by him suddenly speaking.

He frowned and looked at the ground, "Are you sure you want me too live here? Am I a bother-"

"No." I quickly answered, straightening up in my chair, "It's actually quite nice to have company, besides Hanji and Erwin you're the only one that I've actually talked too."

He continued looking at the ground, glancing up for a few seconds, only to catch my gaze and look back down. "Well... Petra said that you aren't very 'friendly,' especially towards strangers-"

"Fuck what Petra said, Eren, I let you live here because I wanted you too, you're nice, you've been kind too me even though I was an complete asshole, and you care. These past few days have been stressful with work and all, but you always seem to make me smile. And I'm thankful for that."

He smiled and tackled me into a hug. I slowly wrapped my arms around him, trying too make it less awkward then it had too be.

"Thankyou Levi." He sniffled.

"Are you crying?" I said with a chuckle, pulling back from the hug too look into his Caribbean orbs.

"Wha? No.. Pft. Men don't 'cry'."

He wiped his eyes and stared into mine. We sat there for a few moments, just enjoying each others comfort. (In the most awkward way possible)

I was about too make a remark about him staring, when I felt a pair of lips slowly press against mine.

My eyes grew wide.

The brat was kissing me.

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