Chapter Thirty One

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Authors Note~ First of all, I would like to thank all of the support that I am getting on this story, as well as my other ones. Especially the comments that say that my story is (somewhat) funny, it really makes my day!

And 300+ likes?!? Thank you! Gracias! ありがと!Mercì, whatever language you want to speak in!

And I probably didn't even spell thank you in French right _;)



"It's awakening!" I heard Hanjis high pitched voice cut through the darkness. My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly, only to be pushed back down my non other than Levi.

"Rest." He ordered, grabbing Hanji by the collar of her shirt and lifting her up like a mother cat would do to its kitten.  Hanji flailed her arms but stopped when a chunk of a potato hit her square in the nose. 

"Hey!" She yelped out, rubbing the bridge of her nose softly, glaring at Sasha intently, "That hurt you potato loving bi-"

"Hanji." Petra said, clearly annoyed at her fiancée, "What did I tell you about swears when we have guests over?"

"But I swore like an hour ago-"

"No excuses."

The ginger huffed and sat down on the couch next to me, placing her hand on my forehead, taking my temperature.

"You're burning up." She muttered, flipping her hand to the back.

"What exactly happened?" I asked, not really remembering the events leading up to this moment.

Levi sighed and sat near my feet, placing his hand on my knee, "Nothing major, you were just a bit dehydrated."

"Oh." I swung my legs over the side of the couch and stood up, "Well, since I feel fine now, led go ride Jean-!"

"Oh, no you don't." Petra almost snapped at me, yanking me by my shirt back to her. "You shouldn't do anything that involves to much physical activity, or sweating."

Hanji made a loud 'Pffft,' noise and fell over laughing.

"I swear to god Hanji," Petra sighed, standing up and kicking the brunette in the side of her stomach, "Grow the fuck up."

"The only one who needs to grow is Levi."


"This will be your room, Eren." Petra said, opening the door to a heavily air conditioned room.

Levi walked past us and set his suitcase by the bed, which made Petra glare at him.

"No Levi, you'll be sleeping in a different room." She held open the door for him to leave, but he didn't move.

"But why-"

"You and Eren are not going to be dirtying up my sheets, so you'll be sleeping in different quarters." Levi glared back at her with one of his famous death stares, which made me shift uncomfortably.

"It's fine Petra." I said breaking up the starring (glaring) contest. "We can sleep in the same bed-"

Petra turned to glare at me, but stopped and then sighed. "Fine, whatever, just make sure that he can still walk, tomorrow is the wedding ceremony."

Levi stopped glaring for a moment to ask a question, "Will mom and dad be there?"

Petra nodded and smoothed out the creases in her shirt, "They will be there, they arrived at the airport in Denver a few hours ago, so they will be here late tonight."

I almost smiled at the bought of seeing Janice and Rick again, they were such nice people.

Unlike my family.

My happiness disappeared as I remembered just a few months ago, I was on the streets starving and on the verge of death, but now, I was happy, happier than I have ever been.

Petra looked out the large bag window that surveyed the side plains surrounding the property, smiling as she did so.

"It's really beautiful here." I breathed, walking to the window and looking down on the driveway.

Hanji popped her head in the door, "Petra did an amazing job choosing a ranch near the mountains, maybe we can go sometime before our honey moon!"

A loud squeal came from down stairs, followed by a loud crash and controllable laughter.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Sasha has always been a problem, she ate more food then an entire army, she was always loud, not matter what the occasion-   You could seriously be at someone's funeral, and she would say something about the body like,

'DAT ASS. ITS HOLY!' While she bowed to it and prayed to her savior, ass Christ.

This actually happened when we were children.

Don't ask. 

Another loud crash had us all dashing down the stairs, (except for Levi because he could give zero fucks about the situation,) only to find Sasha holding a frying pan while a small mouse scurried around in the floor.


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