Chapter Thirty Three

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Sorry, I still suck at writing smut....🌚

Me: "Take this homophobes!" *throws laptop at said 'homophobe.'*

I roughly shoved Eren against the shower wall; making him gasp in surprise as he came in contact with the cold tiles.  He squirmed under my grasp as he tried to escape, but I held a strong grip on his wrists.

"L-Levi-" He panted as I ran my tongue along his bare collarbone. "N-Not here~" His mouth opened as he released a loud moan; running his long, slender fingers through my dark locks.

I pulled back for a moment and brushed a strand of hair that had fallen into his eyes away from his face. "So where then?" I asked quietly, palming his already hard member, "Bed, window, wall, chair?"  I listed off his options as I provoked lewd moans from the brunette.

His eyes fluttered open as he bit his lip, but he didn't respond.

"Fine," I said after I realized that he wasn't going to answer. "I'll take you up against the shower wall." Eren tried to protest, but I defiantly wrapped my arms under his knees.

"Legs around my waist, darling."

Erens face flushed at the nickname that I had given him and looked away.

"C-Can I top this time?"

I chuckled at his hesitant question and leaned in closer to his bright red face. "What happened to all of your self confidence brat? Last time you topped you basically forced me under you."

The brunettes face went Crimson and he tried to answer, "W-Well, I just want-ted to try it agai-"

"Go ahead." I said as I pulled back from him. "I trust you enough, and besides, I know you wouldn't hurt me." I grabbed his hand and turned off the shower, "Screw the shower, lets have sex somewhere else."

"You're rather blunt." Eren mumbled as I tugged him into the bedroom, where he took immediate control over my body.

I shivered as I noticed all of his 'innocent,' behavior fading away.

"So we're should I fuck you this time?" He growled into my ear, making me groan at how much he was turning me on.

"Wall~" I moaned it as he bit the sensitive spot just below my jaw.

I wrapped my legs around his naked waist as he slammed us into the wall, making me loose my breath from the impact.

"Not so damn rough!" I scolded, glaring at him in the dark lighting. His once child like eyes clouded over with lust, and love. He looked so damn sexy, his damp hair ruffled on top of his head, his swollen lips, the slight pant the emitted from him, and I wanted him.

I wanted all of him.

He nipped at my ear and chuckled slightly. "Oh, I know you like it rough."

The once blushing brat that I had fallen for, was now a dominant fucking sex machine. And god it was hot.

I whined as his hands made their way to my lower half, leaving my arms and legs as the only thing to support myself.

His fingers traced the outline of my abs and then my chest, smirking as he saw my reactions to him pinching a small bud.  "You're so sensitive~" he chuckled, rolling his thumb over it, "And the noises you make are really~ hot."

I moaned loudly and arched my back against the wall, and I swear I was a few inches from it snapping.

"Look at you," the taller male said calmly, kissing me for a moment before pulling back, "You're already hard from just me playing with your nipples, you must really have some dirty stuff going through that mind of yours."

I grabbed the back of his neck and forced his lips in synch with my own. I felt his tongue run across my bottom lip, asking for access, which I granted.

His tongue invaded my mouth and ran across my own, making me groan into the youngers mouth.

Our tongues fought for dominance, pushing back on each other until I let him win so he felt more dominant than submissive.  I shut my eyes tightly as he tugged on my pulsing erection.

His lips pulled away from mine as he lowered my feet onto the ground so that I could stand on my own. My legs were shaking violently, and I felt as if I as going to fall.

He sighed and decided to push me down onto the bed, making my eyes shoot open. "E-Eren?" I asked a bit scared of his actions.

"Shsh, don't worry babe," he purred into my ear, making me shiver. "Lets just use the bed for now, and then we'll go back to the wall so I can fuck you senseless." He crawled on top of me on the bed.

I felt my member twitch at his words and he caught sight of this.

"Did my words turn you on~?" He teased as he spread my legs for himself. I blushed and faced away from the brunette, embarrassed at how exposed I was to him. I closed my thighs together.

"Look at me." He ordered and grabbed my chin. I wearily opened one eye and examined his facial expression.  There was a few moments of silence before he spoke again.

"Don't be embarrassed Levi, you're the most beautiful, sexy, compassionate, kind, man that I have ever met, so don't ever try to cover yourself up when you're in my presence."

I stared at him, unsure in the beginning, but eventually giving in and leaning down to kiss him.

He smiled and pulled back from the passionate kiss to place two hands on each separate knee.

"Now spread those pretty legs for me."

Homeless {Ereri/Riren}Where stories live. Discover now