Chapter Nine

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"Why do you have to leave." Hanji said to Petra, dragging out the 'EA'

Petra rolled her eyes, "I have work tomorrow silly, I'll visit soon too check on you guys, including you Eren, you better not leave anytime soon."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, "Didn't plan on it."

We all exchanged our good byes and Hanji left also, she had work early the next morning, along with Levi.

"Im going to go take a shower,"
I said while yawning, "before I fall asleep."

Levi just nodded, not looking up from his book.

I smiled at his adorable behavior and walked to the bathroom.

I quickly undressed and turned on the shower, but took a glance at myself in the mirror. In a small time frame of just 4 days, I actually managed to put on a bit of weight.

I didn't look sickly anymore, but I still was very thin. I sighed, it was going to be a while before I fully recovered, but I have always been impatient, ever since I was a young boy.

I stepped in the shower and quickly washed my hair and body.

Levis P.O.V
I closed my book and stood up from my position at the dining table. I hadn't been reading it, I was just thinking.

About Eren.

Usually I would just ignore these feelings and move on. But that wasn't the case here, I just wanted too embrace them.

I liked him.

You can't 'like' someone after only knowing them for about 4 days, that wasn't possible.

But Every Time I saw Eren, my heart raced. I felt like I wanted to be the only one important too him, I felt like my heart would burst if I didn't tell him how I felt.

But I couldn't tell him.

If I did, and he rejected me, he would most definitely move out. And I didn't want that.

I sighed and ran a hand threw my hair, feelings were always so annoying, no matter what they were for.

"You're coming with me too work tomorrow." I stated from my position on the chair in the living room.

Eren was currently sitting in the couch, wrapped up in blankets. "Why?" He asked, looking at the TV.

"I don't feel comfortable with you at the house alone." It was partially that, and I wanted Erwins input on this whole situation. His mom was this 'love specialist,' or what he called it, and Erwins always telling me stuff about her lessons.

Eren rolled his eyes and flopped down on the couch. "I will be fine, it's not like I'm going too steal anything."

"It's not that." I muttered, hoping that he wouldn't hear me.

"Huh?" He asked, sitting up from the couch, still wrapped in about 5 thick blankets.

"Nothing." I sighed, getting up and walking too my room, "You better be ready to wake up early."

I almost walked out of the room, before I stopped, "Oh, and," I said remembering something, "You'll have too come too the gym with me, I work out there after work on Mondays, Wednesdays, Friday's, do you have enough strength too lift some weights?"

Eren smirked cockily, "Do you see this muscle?" He lifted up his arms, which had almost no muscle on it whatsoever "You see these guns?" He flexed.

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