Chapter Ten

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"This is your office building?" I asked, gazing up at the giant skyscraper.

Levi just nodded and opened the door, "Try not to be too loud and annoying, I don't want too get fired."

I rolled my eyes and walked inside behind Levi.

We made our way to an elevator and got inside. Levi pressed the button that was second too the top.

"This looks like Donald Trump built it." I commented. The elevator was glass, including the flooring, and I haven't seen anything like this in my entire life.

I smiled and looked out at the city, that was visible from the elevator. "It's a beautiful view." I said gazing out over the buildings. It as still partially dark out, and the sun was just coming up over the horizon.

Levi just grunted in reply and he looked at his watch. "I guess we'll be early, if you want you can come with me to Hanjis office to pick up some files."

I nodded, "Sure."

The elevator door opened an Levi instantly got out, turning left down a long hall.

I scrambled after him, getting a few weird looks from his coworkers.

A woman with blonde hair walked up up too Levi, "Who's that? Is he allowed in here?" She failed at whispering.

Levi just wavered her off and continued walking until we saw a door with the letters, 'Hanji Zoë,' printed on it in gold.

Levi knocked and the door instantly opened.

"Levi!" She said, attacking him into a hug.

"Can't. Breathe." He said calmly, while gasping for air. She saw me and smiled, "Ah, Eren! I didn't realize that you were here- is that Levis suit?"

I nodded, "He said that this was a fancy company..." I trailed off looking at Hanjis choice of clothing, a black tee shirt with 'Parasyte,' written on it, and black ripped skinny jeans and converse

Hanji rolled her eyes and giggled, "I own everyone here, Erwin says that it's good for reputation but pfftttt whatever."

Hanji leaned over a whispered something in Levis ears, making him blush and shove her away.

She laughed and held her office door open for us, "Come on in and I'll get your files for ya!"

Hanji ushered us inside and I was almost blinded by how bright the room was compared too the dim hallway.

The entire walls were filled with different posters from bands and anime. Different figures were neatly placed on the shelves along with what seemed like a 1000 different types of manga. Most were One Piece and Naruto, but I recognized a few other ones like Black Butler and Tokyo Ghoul.

"Sorry about my office." Hanji said, digging through a file cabinet.

After a few minutes she held three folders in the air. "Aha! Here ya go Levi! Have fun with the paperwork!"

She bounced over too a couch and turned on the TV, in which a episode of something I didn't recognize starts playing.

Levis office was huge.

But it was so empty.

Levi was currently on the second file that Hanji had given him, and it was 3:07 PM

"Levi?" I asked, getting up from my position on the couch.

He looked up from his paperwork, his glasses on the end of his nose which was extremely adorable.

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