Chapter Seven

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I crawled into the opposite side of the bed, I was shivering, half from the cold, half from just being terrified.

"Night." Levi said turning off the lamp that was on the bedside table.

I hummed in reply and snuggled into the blankets, they smile liked like Levi, lemon, mint, and a little bit of windex.

God, I really needed too stop shivering. I tried to calm my quivering, but that only ended up with a loud sneeze.

I heard Levi sigh and then I felt two arms wrap around the front of my chest, I was facing away from Levi too the Left and he was facing my back, we were basically spooning.

My eyes grew wide, "Uh- what are you doing Levi?"

"You're cold right?"

I didn't respond to that, Levis embrace was nice and warm, you would expect a hug from Levi to be cold and unwelcoming.

But his was warm and left me craving more.

Just those thoughts where kind of weirding myself out, that's something a creepy person would say, 'Craving more?' What the hell was that supposed to mean.

'You wanna fuck.'

I'm about two inches from strangling my inner logic.

I felt myself wanting to drift off, but I wanted to be conscious in Levis embrace for a little bit longer-

Ah, too late, I fell asleep
Levis P.O.V

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck why did I seriously 'Invite,' him too sleep here, I was basically sweating, even in my cold bedroom. Well, all rooms in the house were cold, except for the kitchen and living room.

I heard deeper breathes coming from Eren, signaling that he was asleep. I decided to let go of him and face the other direction, which I did.

I sighed and tried to fall asleep, but Eren shifted and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer too him.

My breath hitched in my throat, I tried to wriggle away from him, but he only pulled me closer.

His hand rested on my thigh and I audibly gulped, his hand was so damn close. Why couldn't I've fallen asleep first.

I sighed and decided to ignore it, but I couldn't sleep.

"Thankyou....Levi." Eren mumbled in his sleep.

I smiled at that, he was just so adorable. I didn't know how someone could be like him. Cute, strong willed, passionate about what they loved, and just a good person in general.

I decided to turn so I was facing him and I buried my face in his chest. Eren smelled so nice, like...Pine? How did he smell like pine? Eh, whatever, that doesn't matter.

I finally fell  into a comfortable deep sleep.

I woke up too the sound of what I thought was a camera going off.


I snapped open my eyes and moved my face from Erens chest, "What the fuck do you want Petra, and what IS HANJI DOING HERE?" I sat up, and tried to get out of Erens grip.

Hanji and Petra giggled, "I told Hanji too come over here, she might never see this again."

If Grabbed Erens arms and tried to unfold them from my waist, but this only made his grip tighten, whilst burying his face in my stomach.

Hanji snapped a few more photos and giggled like a school girl, "This is so freaking cuuuute <3!" You could basically see hearts floating around her head.

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