Chapter Five

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Erens P.O.V
Levi decided to go full out while his sister was visiting this weekend, he was already cooking a giant turkey and was preparing the mashed potatoes.

"How old are you?" Levi asked me out of the blue, he had his back facing me while he worked on the food.

"Uh, 18, why?"

Levi shrugged and continued too prepare dinner.

I could tell that he was a good cook, it was like he had every recipe imprinted into his mind.

He worked like an expert, lining out the different types of spices and blending then too create an amazing aroma that floated around the entire apartment.

"She'll be here in 30 minutes, can you make sure that the table ware is aligned right?"

I sighed, he was such a perfectionist, I trudged to the table, stared at it and then turned back to him, "The tableware is in the exact  same position."

Levi sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, "Sorry, I just haven't seen her in so long, I just want everything to be perfect for her sake."

"She sounds more like girlfriend then a sister." I chuckled, looking out of the window that was by the table.

Levi grumbled something inaudible.

"What was that?"

"Oh- Ah... Nothing. That was nothing." He nervously chuckled, smiling at me awkwardly.

I rolled my eyes and laughed at his awkwardness, it felt like we had known each other for a long time, even though we had only met last night.

I examined my fingers nails that had dirt in the nail bed, I rolled my eyes and started to pick at it, dirt under my nails always bothered me.

"So Eren," Levi asked, sitting down at the table, "When did you exactly, you know, become homeless?"

My eyes widened, I hadn't thought about that in years.

"If it makes you uncomfortable you
Don't have to-"

I cut him off, "No, I just haven't thought about it in years, ah, well, it all started when  I was 11, my parents began beating me, I don't really care about it now, but the beatings were bad."

Levis started to tell me I could stop, but I held up my hand, silencing him.

"I had a sister Mikasa, she was very overprotective, before that, after the beatings had started, she just didn't really care, she watched them happen with no sympathy in her eyes."

I smiled, "I didn't really care though, I wasn't worried about anything like that, at school I had a friend, he was really nice and supportive, his name was Marco."

Levi nodded, but I frowned, "And then...and then...." I buried my face in my hands, "He was in a car accident with his boyfriend Jean, Jean survived, but Marco wasn't that Lucky."

I took a shaky breath, "The paramedics said the entire right side of his torso was torn off."

I felt a tear roll down my cheek, "After that, everything changed, I saw no happiness in life, and no hope what so ever for the future."

Homeless {Ereri/Riren}Where stories live. Discover now